The Bight Side Of The Dark Side

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We are all nothing more than ragdolls as we all spiralled through the portal. In our rush to escape the wrath of the police, we all just jumped in without a second thought. This made us lose all control. Even Galacta, Gladius and Jenny couldn't straighten themselves out, so we were all completely helpless.

"We are so dead!" Zomboss cried.

"I am already tired of all of this!" Manolo yelled, "I just want a break!"

Izzy, contrasting against all of our frustration, worry and fear, was cackling madly as she performed and less midair cartwheels. "This is the best thing ever!!!"

"Of course you find this fun!" Ralph yelled. "But what else would I have to expect."

"C'mon, Stinkbrain!" Vanellope suddenly shouted. "Live a little!" She shot by all of us, her and the Trolberg trio riding on Majima's back like he was a surfboard. They all roared with laughter and joy as they all barreled down the way like a bullet.

"Kid!" Ralph attempted to straightened himself out, and once he did, began to make a swimming motion. "I'm coming!"

I shared a look with Gladius, and we both shrugged. He then readjusted himself, and I quickly grabbed hold. The others all followed after, pulling out wings or their main modes of transportation, and following after the yakuza and girls.

Luckily, they did get that far ahead. In fact, they were frozen in place, unable to move.

"Oh no!" Gladius cried. Before any of us could hit the brake, we were all frozen alongside them. Everything went to silence.

"Gladius, what the heck is happening!?" I shouted, my mouth and eyes unaffected by the freeze.

"Think of it like a forced stoplight", he explained, "A universe is passing in front of us, so the tunnel forces all those inside to stop when they get to that point."

"Well, this would have been nice to know... oh, I don't know, AS SOON AS WE ALL JOINED YOU!?" Majima shouted in anger.

"All of you, relax", Galacta Knight spoke, "Gladius confirmed from his explanation that this is only temporary, so we will be back on our way soon." Maple, who rested on the knight's back, made a noise of agreement. Just then, right in front of us, a large mass could be seen slowly moving past us. It was far too difficult to really tell what it actually was, but it was massive. Just as it was directly in front of us, it stopped, and we were all blinded by a sudden bright light.

"What the fuck?!" "Ahhhh!!!" "I'm blind!!!" "ACK!!!" "Sweet Mother Hubbard!" We all screamed in shock, only to be sucked into the light, finally being unfrozen.


We all were spat out of the tunnel and right into a small pond. I held my breath as my full view filled with water, and quickly rushed to the surface. I burst from the surface, taking a deep breath in as the moonlight from above filled the sky above. The others who all fell into the pond with me all followed, with Vanellope, Hilda, Twig, Alfur, Majima, Steve and Star all sputtering water out their mouths. The others, meanwhile, all had crashed just on the shore of the pond, with Izzy, Maria and Manolo all getting tangled in a dead looking tree, and Ralph, Jenny, Galacta, Gladius, Maple and Zomboss all crashed on the ground around it. Gladius had, once again, been embedded into the tree's trunk.

"Oh c'mon!" The sword yelled indignantly, flailing his wings around in an attempt to free himself. "Why does this keep happening?!"

I climbed out of the water, hunching up as I felt the cold wind pass over me. Those who fell into the pond followed after as Izzy flipped out of the tree and pulled the sword free. "There you go, Glady!"

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