Endless Metropolis

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I slowly came to by the sound of an alarm clock beeping to my right. I groaned and rolled over to the sound of the noise, glaring the best I could at it in my tired state. I saw the number that flashed on the LED screen - 10:00 AM - and cursed to myself for sleeping in again. I slowly made my way out of bed, only to look around. I was in the same room I went to sleep in, so I relaxed knowing it wasn't a dream. Snapping out of my thoughts, I made my way over to the dresser and began rummaging through its drawers. All my clothes I packed for my cross country trip were all here, and it seemed all of them had been washed and folded. I told myself to thank Rainbow when I see her today. I picked out my outfit for the day and made my way into my bedroom's connected bathroom. I had a quick shower, dried off, put on my clothes and brushed my teeth. After all of that, I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror. I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that simply had a loading icon on it with the word 'LOADING...' under it. With it I wore a pair of light grey sweatpants and typical grey socks. I noticed my hair was flatter than usual, so I roughly shook my head while clawing at my hair with my hands, and when I was done, it was back to the messy mop I was used to. I smiled at my reflection and began to head to my bedroom. Just as I was about to twist the knob, however, I looked to the coffee table just behind me. Resting on it was the box with my upgraded phone that I showed to Apple. I walked over, took the phone out of the box, and put the phone into my pocket. I nodded, and opened my bedroom door.

"Hi Caleb!", Rainbow's voice suddenly shouted.

I let out a scream of pure shock as I stumbled back, tripped over the coffee table and fell onto the couch. I blinked at the ceiling for a moment before snapping my attention to Rainbow, who was standing still in complete shock. Then, in a split second, she started laughing hard. She nearly fell over as I glared at her making my way towards her. I stopped in front of her, arms crossed and scowling as she began to calm down.

"I'm *pant* sorry", she said between laughing and panting, "That was *pant* just too funny." She finally calmed down enough to look at me, her laughter ending as she looked at me over. "You look cute."

I blushed slightly. "Shut it", I snapped back, "I'm still mad you laughed at me. I could've been hurt!"

"Oh you're fine, don't be such a baby about it", she said, waving off my remark. I pouted, but just shrugged it off.

"So what's with you nearly making me jump through the roof?" I asked.

"Well, Virus was getting impatient for you to wake up, I came to get you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, if we're going shopping in The Capital, we can't not bring you!"

My eyes shot open. "What!? You're bringing me shopping with you!?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow cheered with a skip, "You need more than two weeks of clothing, and if you're living here for a while, you might as well get as much as you need so you're comfortable."

I beamed. "Well why didn't you start with that?" I said happily, "Let's go!" I grabbed hold of Rainbow's hand, making her giggle, and the two of us rushed off to the front of the castle. In my head as we passed all of the paintings of legendary creators, one thought echoed in my head.

This was going to be a great day.


The front of the castle was pretty typical of a fancy place like this. There was a large driveway that circled around an extravagant fountain that had Lightness, Darkness, Rainbow and Virus standing triumphantly on top of an elaborately decorated podium that sprayed water out in an elegant way. The outer edge of the driveway and around the fountain had several different types of massive flowers that lit up the garden with their vibrant colours. Down the steps from the front door was Virus, his usual flickering self. He was impatiently looking at his hand, but looked up when he heard us approaching. He let out a sigh.
"Finally you two show up", he joked, "I was thinking about ditching you guys and having a 'me' day."

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