Sister Scramble

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I slowly awoke to the feeling of something heavy resting on my abdomen. I groggily opened my eyes, and looked to see XJ1, Jenny's sister modelled after an infant, was looking down at me happily. I gave her a tired smile, but I heard a quick huff from someone else, who reached out four arms and picked up the infant.

"XJ1, what did I tell you about bothering our guests?" a posh 'diva-esque' voice said. I looked over and saw a robot with four arms, a single wheel to balance on, a tall antenna, and lavender accents. She gave the infant a stern face, and XJ1 pouted. The lavender robot just sighed and placed the infant down, who happily hopped away.

Gladius, who was floating above me, chuckled. "Nothing to worry about, m'lady. Caleb here sleeps like a log, so the infant's wake up call was necessary." I swatted at the sword, who scoffed and then sheathed himself down my shirt. I rolled my eyes at him, but then smiled up at the four armed robot.

"Nice to finally meet some of Jenny's sisters", I said as I stretched, "Especially you, XJ4."

The four armed robot looked at me suspiciously. "Sure..." She leaned forward right into my face. "I'm not sure who you are, but not a lot of people know about us."

"Well..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "When news gets out that one of the world's protectors was hypnotised by an alien dictator and fused with her sisters, you leave an impression."

XJ4 cringed at the memory. "Yeah...Not my finest moment." A smash was heard from the kitchen.

"Sorry!" I heard Ralph shout. XJ4 growled and booked it, leaving me by my lonesome in the living room. As I got up, the small XJ3, the toddler with a single eye and pincer hands, ran up to me alongside XJ2, the moving plasma cannon. They both looked up at me curiously, and I couldn't help but smile at the adorable XJ's.

"So, you're the new kid Jenny brought, huh?" Said a somewhat snarky voice behind me. I turned around and was met with the dual-monitor head of XJ6, the older sister of Jenny who was filled with jealousy for her youngest sister, Jenny.

"Uhh...Yeah", I didn't know what to say as she crawled over the couch with her spider legs, looking me over with a glare.

"Of course everyone's favourite has to bring a boy home", XJ6 spat, "I bet you're so happy the world's greatest hero came and saved your butt."

I looked her over, now seeing why she and Jenny tended to get into such heated arguments, but I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"I'm gonna be straight with you, XJ6", I said bluntly, "I feel bad for you." Her glare slightly shifted to a confused frown. "It wasn't right of Nora to lock you and your sisters in the basement. And between you and me", I stood up and walked past her to the kitchen, whispering into her ear,"You have a cooler design than Jenny." I smirked as she looked at me in shock, a light blush forming on her monitors. She then grumbled and walked off. I smiled, gave off a light chuckle, and then entered the kitchen, XJ2 and XJ3 still at my feet. It was absolute chaos, as XJ1 was rolling around the floor, whistling happily; XJ4 was frantically trying to not have the whole house collapse down, especially as Ralph was trying (and failing) to make breakfast. Vanellope sat at the table with XJ5, the flying radio chatting up a storm; Nora sat with them, but didn't seem to care about the madness unfolding right in front of her. I looked at her curiously, then decided to sit next to her.

"Morning, Nora", I said happily, yet with a hint of uneasiness. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning, my lad!" She greeted me happily. I passed a glance into the kitchen, XJ4 absolutely livid at the wrecker.

"You seem awfully calm considering..." I gestured to the chaos before us. Nora just shrugged.

"Meh, you get used to it", she took a sip of her coffee. As she did ,a realisation popped into my head.

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