Adrift In The TARDIS

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I awoke with a start, flailing out of bed when the whole room shook from an explosion. The others in my room with me all cried out in shock, each one rolling out of their beds. I was with all the guys, each of us in a set of bunk beds, which made it utter chaos.

Ralph was luckily on a bottom bunk, but that didn't stop him from grunting in pain when Steve crashed on top of him. Majima crashed onto the ground from his top bunk, landing in a very awkward position, while Marco baulked down at him from his own bed. Zomboss was scared so hard he fell to pieces. Dave and Barranco fell off their beds and immediately sprung into defensive stances. Galacta's eyes snapped open, and Flowey snarled at the very rude awakening. Maple launched off his pot and onto my shoulders, making me sputter when I ate a face full of roots.

"Oh my god!" The flower shouted. "What the hell is happening?! I was dreaming such sweet things."

"So... you were dreaming of murdering people", Ralph said flatly. The flower flushed, and I sighed. Standing up, I briefly watched Zomboss attempt to reassemble himself, before taking Galadius out of the room. As I walked into the hallway, I could see the room across (the girl's room) had its door ajar. There were the sounds of similar chaos, and I met a very tired Jenny stumbling out.

"You guys too, huh?" She said with a slightly staticky voice.

I nodded, Gladius letting out a sigh. "It seems The Doctor is one for... very unique wake-up calls."

"Or he's just annoying", Jenny droned out.

We both exchanged a very tired look, then headed into the main room of the TARDIS. When we entered, we saw The Doctor covered in soot with several panels in the underside of the central console open. Wires were spilling out, and the man looked ecstatic.

"Uhhhh..." I said in confusion. "What are you doing...?"

The Doctor looked over at us, lifting the goggles he was wearing off his face.

"Oh right..." He mumbled, looking a bit lost. "I forgot I had guests." He mumbled something a lot quieter, then wiped his hands and face with a rag. "Sorry about the rude awakening, the TARDIS has been acting up."

I leaned over and looked into the machinery, only to flinch back when The Doctor slammed the panel closed. I shot him a look, but he just sauntered upstairs like nothing happened. Sharing a glance with Jenny and Gladius, we all followed after him, watching silently as he flicked random knobs and levers on the main console.

"So... what exactly do you do?" Jenny asked, looking around the room.

"I travel", The Doctor said. "Take in the sights of other planets, talk to the people, eat their food." He beamed at us like a child. "There's so much out there... but I can tell from you", he looked Jenny up and down, "And your friends that you've been everywhere." He suddenly pulled out the small device from yesterday, and clicked it on. A humming noise hit my ears as the green light at the tip aimed right at Jenny. She looked very uncomfortable.

A few minutes later he flicked it to his face and looked at it. He eyed Jenny waringly.

"Your build is very similar to a cyberman..." He looked Jenny right into her eyes. "But there's something... different about you."

"A Cyber-what?" She said in confusion. "Do you mean the Cluster?"

"Cyberman", I said, leaning against the railing. "A race of robot-human hybrids that forgo humanity and try to assimilate everyone to be like them."

"See, he gets it!" The Doctor said, pointing at me. "But I guess robots come in all shapes and sizes."

Jenny protectively brought her arms over her chest. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

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