Haven't You Noticed? We're Stars

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I let out a quiet, peaceful sigh as sunlight peeked through the blinds and hit my face with as much mischievousness an inanimate ball of heated gas floating in space could muster. I rolled over, hugging my bladed friend close as I cracked open my left eye just the tiniest bit. Marco was slowly making a move to sit up, his hair an utter disaster of wild clumps going in different directions.

"Morning, dude..." The Safe Kid mumbled out before yawning. I hummed, though it sounded more like a groan. I shifted so I could more easily watch my friend sit up and tussle his hair, trying to smooth it out. When that failed, he just huffed and threw his arms to the side.

"So, what's the plan for today, Caleb?" He asked me, giving me a glance as he rubbed his eyes.

I yawned and shrugged simultaneously. "Don't know. But we got so much free time ahead of us, so I say just... whatever we want."

"That is a pleasant idea, Caleb", Gladius agreed quietly, wiggling to try and free himself. I let up on the hug, and he gently glided away. I let out a disappointed whine, but didn't do much else to complain as I moved to sit up.

Marco quietly chuckled as a knock came to our room's door. "Oi, are you three awake yet?" Amy called from the otherside. "The Doctor said he wants us to meet out front of the hotel. So hurry up and get ready!" I heard her walk away, followed by a couple other sets of footsteps down the hall.

"I call first dibs on the shower, Diaz", I called out making my way out of bed and over to the dresser. I pulled out my day clothes, and with all of that collected, I stepped into the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet, waiting for the water to warm up. As the mirror began to fog up, I let the thought of what we were going to do today swirl around inside my brain. I was so hard on thinking, I didn't even realise I stepped into the warm shower water until my whole body got damp. Shaking my head, I focused on cleaning my body first and foremost. After that was done, I shut the water off, dried off, got dressed, and exited into the main room. Marco had his clothes in hand, and we both silently nodded as he walked in to get washed.

Hey, no one has had a chance to shower since joining, and Doctor Who never told us where the TARDIS' bathroom was. So we were gonna take any chance we got to get clean.

As Marco used the shower, I looked myself over using the mirror that was hanging from inside the closet door. When we all met up at the hotel last night, Star made the conscious decision to fix up all of our clothes, mainly mine. Me and Gladius have been going on this chaotic adventure for almost a month to two months at this point, so my clothes had taken a hard hit.

As I looked over the fixed stitching and stainless fabric, Gladius hovered up next to me.

"Crazy to think we still aren't home..." He said sadly. "And before you start getting worried that we spend too much time in each universe, we are getting closer. It's just... the jumps aren't as large as I would like."

I hummed. "It's all good, Gladdy. I'm not worried we won't make it back, I just hope it's not gonna be that much longer. I miss Rainbow. I called her mom once, and I kinda want to call her that again. It felt right." My expression fell as sadness reflected in my eyes. "I miss her, Virus and Katania so much..."

"And they miss you two, Caleb..." The sword hugged the side of my head, and I leaned into the embrace. In the mirror, I watched as Marco stepped out, clean, clothed and ready for the day. He gave my reflection a look, silently asking if I was okay.

"I'm good, Marco, don't worry..." I said, not breaking out of the sword's embrace. "Just thinking. Dry made me realise how long this adventure has been going on, and it's just making me homesick. Even though I was only there for three days."

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