Might & Magic

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I was currently fast asleep on the mass of blankets and pillows, a light bit of drool escaping my open mouth. The past few days haven't been the kindest to me, as, well...

We couldn't leave.

After a close call where Star nearly let some fortune cookies tell her to practically give her wand to Ludo, we had gotten ready to leave...


"Are you two sure you want to come with us?" I asked Star and Marco. We were all currently in Marco's backyard, ready to get going as soon as we could.

"Of course we're ready!" Star exclaimed. Marco, meanwhile, smiled and nodded.

"Think about it, travelling the multiverse with a hyperactive magic princess", Vanellope whispered to Hilda, "This'll be awesome."

"Definitely", Hilda responded.

"Look, can we get going?" Star asked impatiently, bouncing on her feet. "I want to see what's out there! The anticipation is killing me!"

"Star, relax", Marco said with a laugh, grabbing the princess' shoulders gently. "We've got all the time in the world, don't worry."

"Well, I'm with Star on this one", Gladius shockingly said. He hovered up to me. "Let's get this over with Caleb." I smiled and nodded, grabbing hold of Gladius, and swung at the air.


But nothing happened.

"What?" I said in confusion. I swung again, and nothing happened. Again, and again, and again. I swung Gladius around like crazy, forcing the others to back away, but nothing happened. The portal wouldn't open.

"What the heck?" Jenny was the first to say, "Where's the portal?"

"Gladius, do you know what's going on?" I asked the blade. He flew out of my grasp and started spinning around, only to look at me and shrug.

"I can sense there's something else here, but I can't pinpoint it", he explained, "But really, I don't know. This is something entirely new to me."

"So we're stuck here?!" Ralph shouted in both shock and frustration.

"We are", Gladius continued, "At least until we figure out what's causing this."

I just stared at the sword silently, before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Marco standing behind me, a small frown painted on his face.

"You guys can stay here till we figure this out", he said. I nodded slowly, my mind feeling heavy.


And so for three days we were trapped here, unable to do anything. Even when Star accidentally froze time, I still couldn't open a portal. But what really weirded me out was it only affected me and Gladius. The pair of dimensional scissors Star owned could open portals just fine, which only angered me more. It caused me to spend nearly the whole last two nights trying to find out what was the issue, but no matter how much I tried, I came up empty handed. Eventually Ralph stepped in and told me I had to sleep, and, in all honesty, I'm glad he stepped in. As soon as I laid down, I was out like a light. But my sleep couldn't last forever, as the sound of running water kicked me awake.

"Now what..." I whined. I slowly rose from my spot and sluggishly made my way over to Star's bedroom door. I grabbed the knob and slowly opened the door, and what I saw... honestly didn't surprise me. The whole hallway was filled with a river of rushing water, and tubes that resembled a water slide snaked around in all directions.

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