Petalos De Oro

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We were currently outside of the city, opposite the end of the tree, with our camp set up along the edge of the water. I sat on the river edge, looking over the calm water as Gladius and Maple rested on either side of me. I was still bummed out about earlier, but I knew Galacta was right, so I just rolled with it despite my resistance. I let out a sigh and flopped onto my back, starling the two beings beside me as I stared into the fading night sky.

"Something bothering you, Caleb?" Gladius asked me.

I let out an overdramatic groan. "Just bummed I couldn't help Manolo and Maria out earlier. I get that I couldn't, but it just felt wrong leaving them."

Gladius let out a hum. "I understand that, Caleb. But we both agreed it was best we don't get involved."

"That kinda went out the window after Vanellope knocked me out of that tree..." I mumbled. Gladius looked down a bit, seemingly thinking of something. I just continued to stare into the calm orange sky. That was when a pair of green hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders and forced me to my feet. I was spun around to face Zomboss, who dusted me off with a flat look.

"The whole reason I decided to tag along", he mumbled, "Was because I wanted to escape my failure I called a life for a while. If the kid that convinced me to make that choice becomes all moppy for the rest of the trip, I'll see it as a waste."

I gave him a weird look, but before I could say anything, Gladius floated up next to us. "I felt like you needed to get out there, so I talked with Zomboss, and we decided to take you on a walk."

"Exactly", Zomboss affirmed. He also leaned in closer. "It's also because I can tell the others are still pretty apprehensive about me, and I'm worried they'll punch me in my pancreas or something if you're not around."

"Wait, really?" I said quietly. "Is that why you stuck with me after Manolo's match?"

Zomboss looked off to the side. "Yes."

I sighed. "Zomboss, the others aren't going to do anything to you. They aren't like that."

"What about XJ9 and Goro?" He mentioned.

I flinched. "Good point."

"I do agree with Zomboss, my boy", Gladius brought up. "I think the others still need time to adjust to the Zombie overlord being with us."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're both right. I just sort of guessed things would be simpler, considering Galacta and all."

"Everyone is different", Gladius stated. "Besides, Galacta wanted to try and move past who he was forced to be. Zomboss, though..." He trailed off, looking at the Thanatology expert.

"I'm still being my usual self", he said proudly, "My position wasn't earned by being nice. I'm just going easy on you all."

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that, Zomboss", I said with an eye roll. "Let's just go." I began to walk away, following the curve of the river. Zomboss and Gladius quickly caught up with me, while Maple chose to stay at the camp. I looked up to the sky as we walked, still a few clouds from when it rained earlier.

"So, what do you think of all of this so far, Zomboss?" Gladius asked.

The Zombie Scientist hummed in thought. "Aside from my paranoia about the others, I like it. The potential for new plans to dominate the Plants is endless." He rubbed his hands together and laughed maniacally, earning a weirded out look from me.

"You have issues", I said bluntly. Zomboss' whole demeanour fell and he slumped a bit, giving me an unamused look. I just shrugged. "But you do you."

Zomboss put one hand on his hip and pinched where the bridge of his nose would be with his other. "Remind me why I joined you all again?"

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