"I understand that we already have an established relationship, so it isn't necessary for me to ask this. However, to comply with my therapist's recommendation, I will formally ask you the following question. Would you like to be my boyfriend? I understand that you are already addressing my concern, but if you could provide a formal response, I would greatly appreciate it. This way, I can inform my therapist that the matter has been resolved."

Jin's gaze falls to the table, unable to meet Jungkook's eyes. As he picked at his food, many thoughts began swirling in his mind. He chewed on his lower lip before lifting his head, his eyes meeting Jungkook's.

"Jungkook, I found our time together quite enjoyable, and I've been able to learn more about you as a result of our time spent here, which I appreciate. It comes as a surprise to me that you are, deep down within, such a nice and compassionate person. I can see it in you.

On the other hand, I am not prepared to have a romantic relationship with you. I prefer that we go slowly and see how things develop. If we are, then..."

"Slowly?" Jungkook questioned. "Seokjin, we have engaged in a physical relationship. Have you realized that fact?"

"Of course I do, yet the fact that we have been together does not imply that we are committed to being in a relationship. At the very least, that is not what it means to me. I like having sex with you, and I believe that we have strong sexual chemistry, which is a positive thing considering that there is not a lot that we have bonded on."

Jungkook used a napkin to wipe his hands, indicating that he had lost his appetite. "Seokjin, are you suggesting that you are not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with me and that the only aspect we find pleasurable in our connection is our sexual chemistry?"

"No, that's not exactly what I'm saying. Yes, it's true that I don't want to be in a relationship. I have told you this before. However, no, I don't think the only enjoyable thing between us is our sexual chemistry. I have enjoyed this trip a lot, and that has been because of you. You showed me a lot during this trip, Jungkook, a lot of good things, and it has left me impressed."

"But are you not impressed enough to want to be in a relationship with me? It appears that your intention was for us to engage in a sexual encounter and enjoy ourselves. I had believed that we were making progress towards something more meaningful. I suppose my therapist was correct in making that suggestion. He likely understood something that I couldn't because I believed that we were making progress in our relationship and had planned on asking you to live with me when we returned to South Korea."

Jin's eyes widened in surprise, and he was left speechless upon hearing Jungkook's words.

"Seokjin, if we don't have an official relationship, I don't think I want to continue engaging in a sexual relationship with you. I desire to maintain my self-worth for someone who shares the same level of commitment that I do. That's precisely why I consciously try to avoid engaging in one-night stands, as they lack personal significance for me.

Sex is an important component of human relationships, as it involves a deep level of intimacy and evokes strong emotions. I am cautious about sharing these emotions with someone who does not truly value and appreciate them. I hope that you will understand and honor my decision.

Considering the current circumstances, it would be best for you to take a break from walking my dog. I was not expecting the response you gave me, and I kindly request that you respect my feelings by allowing me some space to process this situation. It would be appreciated if we could avoid seeing each other daily once we return to Korea."


Some months later


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