Chapter 39

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Me staying the night at the guesthouse with Ashley, and Diamond last night failed

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Me staying the night at the guesthouse with Ashley, and Diamond last night failed. David literally kidnapped me, I didn't really have much to say to him until this morning, he woke me up, and we ordered some breakfast. Before he left, he gave me his American Express card. I didn't complain about that at all.

After i finished eating, I showered, brushed my teeth and moisturized my skin and got dressed. I headed downstairs.

I leave tomorrow morning, I am sad but I know that it will help me on my mental health journey. So I'm going to do whatever to become a better me.

It's really a blessing to be in your right mind.

As soon as I opened the door, there was Dave's kids and their mother looking right at me.

"Hey blondie, I'm just here to drop the kids off."

"That's not my name...and Dave's not here."

"Obviously..I see his Mercedes is not here...I'm leaving them with you." Millie said as she dropped the girl's bags onto the floor in front of me.

Keep it together Shari, remember you love Dave is what I had to tell myself.

She then passed Kobi to me and Kairi walked in sitting down on her tablet.

"Oh...I was just leaving-"

"You're the one that's playing stepmom get use to it..just take them with you."

"You know you don't have to be so rude."

"Girl please, you went after a man who was taken, I'm not going to be buddy buddy with you."

"He told me you two weren't got into an argument and broke up."

"And you sat there and believed him...that fast? Come on Shari the end of the day he's a man."

"Well I believe him, I don't think he would lie to me...he hasn't done anything wrong so far...he's been nothing but genuine and honest with me...he says he doesn't want you."

"You're so believe everything he tells you huh?"

"Millie, If there's something you need to tell me just say it."

"Just know when y'all was going through it, i was the one that comforted him , the one he vented to...a man is going to be a man Shari."

"Ok." I stated calmly nodding my head.

"You should know that already."

I just listened as she continued talking, I zoned out for the rest of the conversation.

"Yeah, anyways...Did Dave know that you were bringing the girls over?"

"Nope, but don't worry you'll tell him...after all he's with you more than them anyways."

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