Chapter 36

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It's Friday morning, I'm currently at my therapy session with Lauren. Her office was being renovated at the moment so she decided that we should have brunch at her home. It was so cozy here, we had just finished up breakfast about an hour ago, we were both just sitting on the floor talking about everything.

"Woah...but I thought your mom said that she was on birth control when you and Mike popped up out of no where? I'm confused.. did they lie about that too?"

"Yes. I don't ever want to talk to them again."

"Ok...basically what I got from all Antonio came back and Dave got rid of him for good this time....self defense...and your uncle is your real dad? The creepy one who touched you."

"Yes." I answered sadly.

"Aww I'm sorry sweetheart, how does that make you feel?"

"Disgusting, when I found out it made me sick to my stomach..i tried to shower my whole existence away."

"Mhmmm...and how does your brother feel?"

"The same way." I answered looking down on the floor.

"Aww...sweetheart, May I hug you?"

"Yes please."

Lauren always gives the best hugs, I didn't want to let her go.

I kept sobbing but it actually felt good to let it out again.

She passed me some tissue afterwards rubbing my back.

"So have you talked to your parents this morning?"

"Nope. They keep calling but I'm not answering I'm mad at the both of them....I'm kinda distant now."

"Yeah, I understand, how do you feel about mediation?"

"I don't know I've never really tried it."

"You should try it and also talk to God a lot that helps. Get right within yourself."

"Yeah, you're right...The food was so good."

"Thanks girl. I love to cook."

"I wish I did...Dave does all the cooking...I can cook I just don't want to." I shrugged checking the time on my phone.

"Girl you gotta get out of that, men love a woman that can cook."

"Yeah. I know, I'm just lazy as of lately."

"Are you pregnant?" Lauren asked, leaning in.

"No, I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning, I'm definitely not. Dave made me take it."

"I was hoping for a yes, I honestly think you would be a great mother. You and Dave are so cute together."

I smiled blushing, "Really? You think so?"

Lauren smirked at me, "Yes! And I saw you were on the blogs yesterday."

"Lauren! I'm still embarrassed about that, Dave is always doing something." I covered my face.

"Mhmmm sure..blame him." Lauren responding laughing at me.

I shook my head still chuckling, my phone started ringing. It was a FaceTime from David, Lauren excused herself walking into the kitchen.

"Hi babe."

"Wassup ma, where you at?" He sounded like he had just woken up.

I could hear the girls in the background.

"I'm at my therapy session with Lauren."

"You could've told me just up and dipped....ain't woke me up or nothing. A note, text or something. Communicate Shari."

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