Chapter 17

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|A Week Later-Friday|

Another wild trip has been completed, Last week was unexpected but it is, what it is. Yes, i should have minded my own relationship but she's definitely not off the hook, Mike was currently here at my apartment waiting on Kiana to go to a hotel again for the night.. she had been there all week. Ja'cione was here too chilling with us. I honestly hated that happened between them, wish she never entertained jail dude, but she is sneaky and she has to learn her lesson. I blocked her on everything, my phone and social media. She won't be getting in contact with me for a while and i loved it.

Mike's phone started ringing and there her name popped up on his screen, he answered it looking pissed.

"i'm in the car leaving.'' She sound like she had been crying, but honestly i didn't give a fuck.

"Yay!'' i shouted loudly making sure she heard me.

''Shari, shut the fuck up.'' Ja'cione said looking irritated with me.

I ignored him, eating my fruit salad.

Mike gave him a look, mouthing something to him.

''Well shit i forgot she being rude as hell.''

"Ok.'' Mike replied now talking to kiana.

''Where is Ada?''

"She's playing with Ja'cione right now.'' Mike mumbled.

"Oh. Can you take some pictures and send them to me?''

"I'll think about it."

"Ok..Ada's bottles are in the fridge. I pumped her some more before i left.''

''Appreciate it. Bye.'' Mike said tapping the red button to end the call.

''Damn, i'm ashamed to claim you two right now...that's sad.'' Ja'cione said as he placed Ada in Mike's hands.

''Well, you know what they say another shoulder to cry on, is a dick to ride on.'' I answered shrugging my shoulders.

Mike just shook his head, not saying anything.

"No offense, but you shouldn't have told Shari nothing, you know how her ass gets when she drunk, thinking she Mike Tyson and Shit."

"Nigga, that's my whole twin. What'd you expect? Everybody know how we coming behind each other."

"Right!'' I agreed nodding my head.

"Kiana still gang to me though, and the rest of us.. don't care what yall got going on, that aint got shit to do with us. So don't be tryna separate us and shit. Already know, i hate drama.''

"We know." Mike and i responded at the same time.

"Good. I'm out. Not feeling y'all's vibes right now. I only came here for Ada...might be like Marcus and block everyone.''

When we arrived back home, Marcus really blocked everyone, he cussed all of us out. So that was that, it was too much drama going on for him right now. So in order for anyone to contact him we have to call ashley's phone. At first i thought he was playing, but he was really deadass. I tried calling him to apologize and failed. That's when i discovered i was blocked, but he'll come back around soon...hopefully. I'm starting to see why he doesn't really like us. Ashley was still upset to, we apologized to her and she accepted our apology but i knew she was still hurt, along with Ari, and Diamond. I removed myself from the group chats with Kiana in them and made another one without her. I seriously don't want anything to do with her right now.

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