Chapter 18

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Levi and i were at Kiana and Mike's place. Ada was currently with her dad and Levi, they went to grab some stuff for the dinner that William and Michelle were having tonight. We were all invited, they always have great food, so i'm excited and ready to go.  We were all dressed up. I packed Ada's bag for her as Kiana was getting dressed.

"'s it going between you and Mike after last night?'' I asked finding a bag of ada's snacks, yes i opened one, and what about it?

"It's ok...i wouldn't say back to normal just yet..but we talked.. i told him everything, he's more understanding...Guess therapy really does work. I'm thinking about giving it a shot.'' Kiana stated from the bathroom.

"Yeah, that would be nice. We all could use a bit of therapy.''

"I know right.''

"These are good.''

"Girl, why are you eating my baby food?'' Kiana chuckled coming out of the bathroom.

"Just checking for poison.''

"Bye, i can't stand you. Always hungry.''

"And what about it?'' I laughed

"So, how you and L?''

"Good, he wants to try for another baby soon but i'm scared.''

"That's nice, What are you afraid of?''

"Girl, the sex...i'm hesitant, i don't want to get infected or anything.''

"You're healed right?''

''Yes, i'm just being cautious. We are waiting another week just to be safe.'"

"I understand, i waited months after Ada was born, i was scared of getting pregnant and infected.''

"Months? No, i can't do that, i'll start having withdrawals.''

"You can do's all really a control thing.''

"I hope so.'' I answered as i saw Shari's contact name pop up on my phone.


"Hi, are you on your way yet?''

''No. I'm at kiana's.''

''Oh..are ya'll talking about me?''

"No, not really.''

Kiana rolled her eyes walking back into the bathroom.

''Oh.. ok.''

"Yeah, are you there yet?''

"No, dave is showering right now, then we will be on the way.''

"Ok, see you soon.'' i said before hanging up the phone.

''How do i look?''

''Good as fuck...wait is that from ashley's collection?''

"Yes. She dropped it off earlier this week.''

"Now wait til i see her, ima cuss her out, cause i asked for it first.''

"You did?''

"Yes i did. lemme call her right now.''

I tapped ashley's name facetiming her, she answered on the fourth ring.

"Yes D?'' She answered curling her hair, Marcus stuck his middle finger in the camera before walking off.

"I just think it's funny how the outfit i asked for is on Kiana's body.''

"Girl, is you deadass? You thick as hell too, i gotta make sure their tailored right, sorry.'' Ashley chuckled looking at the camera. " I knew that one fit kiana for sure.''

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