Chapter 14

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Today was the day of the fashion show. Me and the girls woke up around eight o'clock. The guys were sleeping in of course because after we ate, they were still up drinking and talking shit. But the girls and I went straight to bed. We ordered in for breakfast, currently in our robes at the table. Going over things for the fashion show, I was so excited. Diamontè was styling the wigs, i had all the girls trying on the clothes again. I wanted to make sure they still fit. Ariana had all of us in face masks just to make sure our skin was looking good for the show.

"Ashley, I have something to say." Diamond mumbled as she placed a cap on Kiana's head.

" already apologized enough yesterday...I said it was fine..stop worrying girl..relax."

"'s not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm leaving after the show tonight.. I think it's best..we've already ruined yesterday...I'm not gonna make it til Monday. It's best if I leave....I shouldn't have come."

"What? No you can't leave." Shari said looking confused

"I told her." Kiana stated looking at Shari.

"Girl, you not leaving...y'all didn't ruin what couples fight? It'll be we are having a yacht party Tommorow. It's gonna be fun..I really want you to shouldn't be the one to leave. If anything it's him. He's being a dickhead."

"Yeah but-

"But what? You're staying and that's final. And if he doesn't like that, he can go kick rocks."

I really don't want her to leave, just because Levi is being an asshole. I saw how he treated her yesterday and it made me look at him differently. I'll get Marcus to make him leave or I'll have a talk with him myself.

"But I already brought my tickets."

"Diamontè, seriously?" I questioned now I was irritated.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

All of us just stared at her not saying anything. I already know Shari was pissed.

"Come on..she has her reasons. Look how's she's being treated she just needs some time alone." Kiana said in a soft voice.

"How she be treated?" We heard Levi's voice booming from the staircase.

"Like shit!" All of us said in unison.

"Man y'all only agreeing cause that's y'all best friend." Levi said hacking his head.

"Look at how she treat me."

"Boy bye." Diamond retorted shaking her head.

"Fuck you."

"You already did sadly." Diamond responded back smartly. She went back doing Kiana's wig. Levi came downstairs charging at her but, I stood up stopping him.

"We are not doing this today! You're the reason she's tryna go home!" I yelled.

Which I shouldn't have done cause that woke everyone else up, especially Marcus.

"What going on down here?" Marcus asked frowning.

"Diamond is leaving out tonight." I responded walking over to him.

"Man, you ain't gotta leave Diamond..everything gon be alright."

"She already got her ticket."

"Damn, Montè...we got a yacht party tomorrow. You know you wanna come."

"It's ok, there's always another time. We can always come back here." She shrugged.

"Give me your phone, you can get a refund back..cause you're not taking that flight back." Shari stated grabbing Diamond's phone.

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