Chapter 30

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I watched as Shari swam around in the water, we had the entire beach house to ourselves, including the beach

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I watched as Shari swam around in the water, we had the entire beach house to ourselves, including the beach. Everything was cool, and peaceful so far today. It was a beautiful Friday Morning.

I definitely needed this.

My mind was still on who sent her those flowers yesterday.

It couldn't have been Antonio cause that nigga done checked out.

The dude from the grocery store it couldn't have been him cause she blocked him...unless he found out where Shari lives but I doubt that.

It could've been her ex, he still knows where she stays.

"Aye ma!" I yelled getting her attention.

she came back up from underneath the water.


"You think it was Miles, who sent you those flowers?"

"Nah, I doubt it." Shari responded walking back over to me.

"So who then?"

"I don't know."

Honestly I was getting frustrated with this whole situation, it's definitely hard not to think about.

I sighed heavily still wondering who it could be.

"Is that what you're stressing about? You haven't said much all morning."

"Yeah, my fault though."

"I'm not worrying about it, so you shouldn't either, maybe they just got the wrong address by mistake..Who knows?"

"Yeah..hopefully. I'd hate to have to hurt somebody..deadass."

"You won't have to do that. Let's focus on more positive things."

" right."

"You ready for breakfast?" Shari asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, you cooking something?"

"Nope, you'll see." She smiled up at me.

Soon as we walked in it was a breakfast buffet right there inside of the kitchen.

"That's why you wouldn't let me go back inside, how much was all of this?"

"I don't know, I just paid for it." Shari shrugged.

Sometimes I be forgetting I got a girl who has money.

"This bussin ma." I smiled taking a bite out of my breakfast sandwich.

I watched as she grabbed some of the fruit adding it to her plate.

"Slow down Dave." Shari chuckled wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"So what we doing today?"

"We can go Biking. I think that'll be fun, then we have dinner later afterwards we have a spa session."

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