Chapter 37

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It's Saturday afternoon the day of Ariana and Ja'cione's gender reveal

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It's Saturday afternoon the day of Ariana and Ja'cione's gender reveal. Ari's parents were here, Ja'cione flew them out here from London. David and I just arrived here. I'm so excited!  I hope the twins are girls but either way it goes I'll still be happy.

I walked over to Ari seeing her in her pink dress with her baby bump, she looked so beautiful. I wanted to cry but I'll be tough because I've done enough crying for the both of us.  Hopefully today would be drama free and we don't get into any problems.

"You're so beautiful." I pouted poking my lip out at her. After rubbing her bump, I was swatted away by Ja'cione.

"I don't like when y'all do that honestly."

"Why not? I'm family."

"Yeah, but I don't want y'all's spirits and negative energy on my babies. No offense though."

"I'm sorry Shari...he's been doing that to everyone that's touched my belly today. Don't mind him."

"All right, I understand." I just nodded.

While speaking to everyone else, I ignored Michelle and William who were walking over to me. I walked straight pass them, I didn't have anything to say them. They were now talking to David.

I honestly didn't feel like dealing with them anymore for the rest of my life. I blocked them on everything so that they couldn't contact me.

I sat down at the table socializing with everyone else.

"Ma, you gotta talk to them sooner or later...ignoring them just gonna make it worser than it already is."

"David, I don't care anymore honestly."

Dave sighed heavily like he was stressed out, "Alright Shari...Mike you talked to them yet?"

"Nope, I don't have parents as far I'm concerned." Mike stated passing Ada to me, I held her for a few minutes before she reached for Dave. She only uses me to get to him.

I saw Diamond coming in waving at everyone.

She called me this morning about me buying her a car. She still can't believe it. Apparently she thinks that I think she's a charity case, but in reality I really don't, I was just trying to be helpful and now she thinks she has to buy me something in return.

I know all the shit Levi had put Diamond through and I thought me getting her a car would make her happy not skeptical.

Once I explained to her that I didn't think she was a charity case at all, she was relieved.

I guess I should've asked her how she felt about me buying her a car before purchasing it.

"Where's Khalil?" I asked being nosey.

"He's in the car on a work call, he should be walking in any minute."

"Ok." I smiled watching as she lit up when Khalil finally walked in.

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