Chapter 10

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I'm finally back from Miami. It felt good to be back. It was now Tuesday, i slept all day yesterday at Dave's house. We were both lazy after getting back. Despite the drama, i actually had a good time. i couldn't wait to go back, sometime soon hopefully. I was now leaving my apartment, The girls and i decided to go over to Ashley's since Marcus texted us about what happened with her dad, but she didn't know we were coming to sit with her for the day. Whatever she needs we are there for her.

I picked us all up some Talenti Gelato, a bag of candy, and chips for us to all share. It's only twelve in the afternoon but we can all have a cheat day.

I scooped up Diamond, Kiana, and Ari.

"Does Levi know you're gone?" I asked looking over at Diamond.

"No he's at work, but he'll be fine." She mumbled looking at the bags of stuff.

"Your tan looks good." They all spoke at the same time.

"Thanks babes. Dave tried to eat me..literally."

"Well you do look delicious." Ari said smiling at me.

"Right, I'd try to eat you too." Diamond added on laughing.

I chuckled to myself, biting my lip.

I'm starting to see why the guys are concerned about us.

Once we made it to Ashley's, we got out knocking on the door.

Marcus opened it, greeting us. Ashley was on the floor getting her packages all together. When she finally realized we were here, she got up hugging everyone of us, and started tearing up.

"I didn't know y'all were coming, Did Marcus say something?" Ashley asked looking at him.

"Yes, he did." Ari said fixing Ashley's hair.

"Awww thanks babe." Ash said as Marcus came up hugging her from behind, he kissed her lips.

"Make a tape." Diamond blurted out smirking.

"Diamonte!" We all yelled except Marcus who was frowning.

"What?" She asked innocently

"Take yo freaky ass on." Marcus said looking at her.

Diamond just threw her hands up. "I'm just saying."

"Well ima let y'all get to it, I'm out." Marcus said kissing Ashley again.

"Please be safe." She said not letting him go just yet.

"I will." He said looking into Ashley's eyes.

He then dapped me, Kiana and Ariana up. He just mushed Diamontè's head before leaving.

"You lucky, i can't move like how i want to!" Diamond said jumping at him before he closed the door.

"Ash..i have a question. Do you ever get nervous..about him..doing what he does?" Ari asked she was so cute, and always curious. I love her life.

"Yes, all the time..but i always have faith that's he's coming back home." Ashley smiled.

"Yeah.. plus he's way smarter now. " Diamond said digging in her hair supply bag she brought along with her.

"Right..but not too much on my man." Ash stated pointing her finger at Diamond.

"Ooop." Diamond said looking shocked but they both busted out laughing.

"Y'all the way he told my dad off... i know he's really in love with me."

"Awww. That's a real man." I stated proudly.

"We love a black king." Ari said making everyone laugh but she was stating facts.

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