I Was Once A Sirius Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"A lot of people say he's the most powerful dark wizard that ever lived," Peter said.

"Because they're afraid," Oni said. "When Grindelwald was in power I'll bet that they said he was the most powerful. People tend to think whatever they are currently facing is the worst of the worst, but it's often exaggerated by the immersion in it. Right?"

"Maybe," Peter said.

"Sort of like how we all thought nothing could get worse than first year homework assignments 'til we saw second year, or fourth year assignments compared to seventh."

"Well those things did get progressively worse," Peter pointed out. "By that theory, You Know Who would be worse."

"That's what we have to find out, I suppose. Once we know more about Grindelwald, I'll bet we can learn a lot about You Know Who by juxtaposition."

"Yeah," Peter nodded.

"Then we'll have our platform. Out starting off point. We'll know for certain that our plan to assassinate You Know Who will be justified."

"I can tell you it's justified. Just by what he did to my sister. To my mum. I can tell just by the way he treated my friend James," Peter squeaked. His brows furrowed together, "James is the best, most brave person I know, and he's so kind. And yet You Know Who nearly killed him."

Oni nodded, "And he had my family killed. And Regulus."

"Our plans are justified," Peter said firmly. "But I agree, it starts with knowing more about Dumbledore and Grindelwald. If nothing else, maybe we can pick up some tips on how to duel a dark wizard and win."

Sirius was laying across a bus stop bench outside the muggle college. He had larked about without James - rode his motorcycle around the city and got himself a quick drink at the Grindyswallow, and now he was awaiting Remus outside the school. Sunglasses on, he stared up at the sunshine and sang in a quiet tone, shaking his Doc Marten clad foot to the beat as he sang.

"I don't care about history... rock rock rock'n roll high school! Cause that's not where I wanna be... rock rock rock'n roll high school! I wanna have some kicks, I wanna get some d-- Remus! Darling!" Sirius sat up, interrupting himself just before his personal modification to the song. He grinned raising his glasses. "You know the stereo typical thing where the dog waits for the people to come home?"


Sirius waved his palm over himself. "Here I am."

"There you are," Remus said, smiling.


Remus turned around and saw Lula running across the quad of the school toward him. She was clutching his pencil case, hair flying out behind her. Sirius had sat up and was watching her come over. Remus could see Stewie back in the quad, leaning against the wall and looking down at a folded-over news paper, his face turned away from them, absorbed in the news.

"You forgot your pencils," Lula huffed as she arrived at Remus's side. "Here you are." She held out the case.

"Oh blimey, thanks," Remus said as he tucked the case into his book bag, Newt's suitcase by his knee. 

Sirius was giving Lula a once over and appeared to be approving her punky style. Today she had on torn up tights under a short leather skirt and Doc Martens that matched the pair on Sirius's own feet - save for the pink ribbon she'd laced hers with, that is. He stared at this and looked up to her heavily lined eyes.

"Hullo?" he said, looking at Remus, then back to Lula, and launching himself over the back of the bench in a funny little jump of a move. He plowed himself against Remus's side quickly, slipping an arm around his waist. "And who is this, Moony?"

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now