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A very special thank you to the fantastic literary genius, Lou ireallylikekiwis for listening to me talk about these fake people for months on end and never telling me to shut up, while also offering your advice and opinions that got us to this point in the story. You are genuinely one of the kindest and most wonderful people I've ever had the privilege of knowing and you have forever changed who I am as a person, whether you like it or not. Your friendship and acceptance means more to me than you'll ever know. I look forward to pestering you with other silly little gay stories while begging you to update your phenomenally written books, sharing the odd hobbies I won't ever keep around and detailing the many horrors of food textures in the future even though you think I'm crazy. Thank you so much, friend. Really, I feel very lucky to have you in my life.

PS: All of my future children will be named Kaia Browne, just to bother you.

Also a thank you to @welponkurt for being the first reader back when Stay was still brand new and no one was reading it. I've never forgotten that and I'm so happy that nearly four years and like, 300 Tayce chapters later, you're still here. I hope the writing has improved over the years you've been reading, but mostly, I thank you for your continued support and time.

Thank you.


Taylor stood on the back deck of their Rhode Island home with a cup of coffee in between her palms. She'd had a late night getting in from Germany, where she had tour dates for The Eras Tour, making it home just in time for their four year wedding anniversary.

She hadn't seen Grace since she'd crawled into bed around three in the morning, wrapped her arms around the brunette and whispered contently about how happy she was to be home. They really made touring work, despite the plethora of issues it could have caused, they put a lot of effort into the time at home.

Grace stayed home with Adrian most of the time but if the shows were relatively nearby, it wasn't uncommon to see her and Adrian in the VIP tent surrounded by security, singing and dancing along to the show until the little boy inevitably got so tired he fell asleep in one of the chairs— just like his older cousin used to do around that age.

Taylor squinted down at the figures on the beach. She was pretty sure that's where they'd wandered off to, so she slipped her flip flops on and walked out of the front gate and to the little path that took them down to it, right next to the fence line. Grace was in a swimsuit while Adrian was in a swimsuit and from the looks of it, nothing else but mud.

"Mama!" Adrian's feet ran towards her quickly and she realized that all of Grace's lower half was also covered in mud, "I missed you! I was digging Mommy in the sand!"

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now