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"Swallow, swallow, swallow," Grace chanted in a low whisper as Taylor looked at the cup of pills

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"Swallow, swallow, swallow," Grace chanted in a low whisper as Taylor looked at the cup of pills. The older half of the pair glared at her anxiously, sitting in the room where she was getting ready for the egg retrieval. She was going to be loopy, she knew that going in, she just hoped Grace didn't film it and send the footage into a talk show like her mother had last time.

"I'll choke," Taylor uncapped the water bottle and then tipped the pills into her mouth. They went down her throat with a small sip and she took a deep breath, "When I get out of here, I want a double bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake."

"Consider it done, darling," Grace reached across the chairs they were in and gave Taylor's knee a squeeze. She wasn't sure if Taylor would even want to eat afterwards but she made a mental note of the request just in case she was hungry. Taylor hadn't been allowed to eat that morning since she was not allowed food after midnight.

"How many eggs do we want again?" Grace was so good at remembering all of the medical stuff while Taylor was still taking it day by day.

"More than ten, less than twenty. Statistics show around fifteen seems to have the best success rate, for whatever reason. Luck."

"Thirteen is my guess," she smiled as she put her mask back around her ears. Grace saw that coming a mile away. Taylor was incredibly predictable in a lot of ways, especially if numbers were involved.

"I just hope there's some mature ones," Grace admitted sheepishly. She really did not want Taylor to go through two weeks of hell again. Taylor had just started to feel better the night prior, since she had finished the round of injections the day before.

"There will be so many," Taylor could only hope for the best.

They put on the sterile gowns and hairnets before Taylor was brought back to have the eggs removed. Grace waited patiently for the expected fifteen to twenty minutes it took Taylor to wake up in recovery, her eyes looked so blue and whimsical as they glossed over.

"Hi," Taylor shifted uncomfortably as she blinked a few times. She felt some discomfort but it wasn't too terrible, "I had a revelation."

The way she spoke led Grace to believe that Taylor was still high as a kite. She leaned onto her elbow and knee with interest, keeping her attention right on her wife, "What was it?"

"The thoughts in my head are your thoughts!" Taylor shook her head with amazement. She brought her hands close to her ears and bunched them into fists, making an explosion sound as she spread out her arms and then blew a raspberry with her lips.

"I think that happens after a few years together, yes. Do you remember when I started writing songs and you started saying things like bin and knackered?"

"And culpable!"

Grace smiled so widely at her behind her mask, "Do you know my favourite word ever?"

"What is it?" She hummed. Her fingers found Grace's wedding ring and began to play with it on Grace's finger.

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