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"Fuck no."

"Kingsley? That's a family name."

"Never, sorry."


"Better but no."

"Ha... what about Blake?"

"Taylor," Grace laughed, "No."


"No, I knew a Riley."


"One of the worst names in the history of the world."


"Feels like it's used. I don't know by who, I'm sure there's a River that's the reason why we can't use it," the brunette shook her head. This was what they'd been doing for fifteen minutes and they had yet to even come up with some maybe names.

Taylor rolled over in bed, it was a Friday morning and neither of them had felt like getting up yet. Instead, Taylor had pulled up a list of unisex baby names and was rattling off the ones that didn't sound awful to her. It hadn't been going well.

"What names are you thinking, then?" Taylor asked as she shut her phone off to sleep mode. She set it down between them and propped her head up on her pillow, one hand underneath it.

"What about.... Arthur?"

"Nope! And it's not even close to unisex. You and I agreed that we would do something more unisex because I have a unisex name and I like that," Taylor said with a sigh.

"Let's just both put names into a hat and we'll call it a day."

"You're so funny," Taylor smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to Grace's lips, "Should I open the list back up?"

"Maybe later. We have an entire trimester and then some to choose a name. I think I should probably take a shower and join AA. It keeps me calm."

"Maybe I should try to host an Al-Anon meeting with my group soon," Taylor suggested quietly. She had a group of other people in similar circles that didn't want the risk of going to public meetings either. They only talked a few times a year but it was nice to have someone to call if she needed it.

"Have I been particularly challenging to deal with or love as of late?" Grace inquired. She was being genuine about it, she didn't know what she'd done to prompt that kind of response.

"Not anymore than usual," Taylor chuckled, "It's just been a while. It would probably be good for us all. I know I was talking to Faith a while back and she and Tim have been doing alright since the pandemic. I think it wouldn't hurt to give her a call and see how it goes."

"I know I've told you this before, but the fact that you're so fucking supportive of my sobriety is so valued by me. I couldn't do it without you," Grace leaned across the bed and put her hand on Taylor's leg over the blanket as she offered a small smile. Taylor returned the expression before she shooed Grace off to go shower and decided to do the unfortunate task of making sure the litter boxes were clean.

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now