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There was a nasty thought in Grace's head that just wouldn't go away a couple weeks later

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There was a nasty thought in Grace's head that just wouldn't go away a couple weeks later. They'd been enjoying the thought of having a little boy to make the apartment more full, tossing out name ideas that hadn't felt right and occasionally ordering little things like a package of nursing blankets.

Grace didn't want to think that thought at all. She'd heard a line in the movie she'd had on in the background while doing dishes and something had stuck. She was blaming it on the hormones, the horrid things that had made life a living hell for them both sometimes.

While doing the dishes, she'd forgotten she was doing the dishes and started to look through the cabinet for chocolate chips, only to not be able to use the stool to check the top shelf because she'd felt so clumsy lately. Taylor was at the studio again, so she didn't have someone taller with a better centre of gravity to check for her. Meanwhile, that stupid thought swirled around and around in her brain.

If she cheated with me, would she cheat on me?

It was driving Grace nuts and she was pretty sure the answer was no, but she knew it wasn't going to go away anytime soon unless they talked about it. She couldn't even remember what she was doing.

Taylor came home to their apartment in New York and saw the vacuum out by the stairs. She saw a mug with a lipstick stain abandoned in the hallway, still half full of tea. The dishwasher was open and partially loaded, there was a bucket of half-folded laundry on the counter and Grace was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, seemingly given up on it all.

"Sweetheart..." Taylor approached cautiously, squatting down to Grace's level because her wife was sat leaning against the cupboards, "How are you?"

Grace gestured towards the current state of the house, "I feel like my brain is in a puddle."

"I can see that," Taylor offered a weak smile, "I will take care of all of the things that need to be done if you can go find a comfier place to shut down other than the cold, hard kitchen floor."

"I can do it," Grace's voice was quiet and Taylor frowned at how defeated she looked. The blonde got right onto the floor next to her and laid her hand on Grace's softly, the younger woman didn't lean into her like usual.

"Is something bothering you?" Taylor asked after a moment. The room didn't read quite right to her, something was definitely off.

"What I have to say sounds so awful that I don't want to say it but it's not going to stop bothering me until I do, but I know it's going to hurt you a lot and that's why I don't want to say it."

"Whatever it is..." Taylor took a deep breath as she tried not to go worst case scenario, "We'll just talk and go from there."

"I heard in a movie today this saying, if she cheated with me, she'll cheat on me," Grace barely got the words out, "And I don't think you're cheating, I know you're really going to the studio because you send me pictures and videos— but I don't know? I've never given much thought about it before, the fact that you were in two relationships while we were fooling around. But now I'm worried that the baby will come, and you'll get bored because I won't be able to go out with you like before and maybe you'll find some other girl or guy and pretend like I don't exist for a night."

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