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"Hi, Mom," Taylor had the widest grin on her face ever

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"Hi, Mom," Taylor had the widest grin on her face ever. She and Grace were seated on the couch in the apartment as the brunette leaned against her shoulder, "Are you busy?"

"No, I just got back from taking Kitty on a walk. What are you doing? How's the studio going?"

"I'm not at the studio, I'm at home today," Taylor looked down at the pictures and that was Grace's cue to get them ready to be held up to the camera, "We just wanted to show you something."

"What is it?" In the back of her mind, Andrea suspected what it was but she kept to herself. When the camera's view was filled with the ultrasound photos, she gasped, "Is that now?!"

"Two hours ago. Everything looks perfect so far," Grace replied and then they saw Andrea crying and it made them want to cry, too.

"Oh goodness, I'm getting emotional," she fanned her face with her hand to reduce the flow of tears but it was useless, "Congratulations, girls. I'm so excited for you. How far along?"

"Seven weeks. It's still early so we're just telling a few people today. We're gonna call Dad and Austin, too. And Grace's family."

"When is the due date?"

"September twenty-sixth," Grace smiled emotionally, "If the baby is two days late, we might just get a reason to keep celebrating our September twenty-eighth anniversary."

They had agreed that the September one didn't really apply anymore now that they'd gotten married in July, but Taylor was the first to place her bets on the baby arriving that day just because it would be perfect in her own opinion.

"The baby is the size of a blueberry but we call it a cheese puff," Taylor added, "And I want to name it Thatcher."

"I'm not speaking to you again unless you take that back," Grace was drop dead serious. That name was crossing into Prada territory, she'd start giving Taylor the silent treatment.

"Oh no," Andrea hummed, "Not Thatcher. Taylor, this is a real child, not a cat. Don't name your baby after a TV show character."

"It's not at all cause of the Grey's Anatomy dad! I just like the name!"

"Well if Grace doesn't like the name then you're shit out of luck, hon," Andrea laughed. They talked for a few more minutes and then Andrea had to go because she needed to get some lunch.

Taylor thought she would steal a few kisses before they called someone else, they had time and she didn't want Grace's social battery to burn out. When she put her fingers on Grace's chin to guide their mouths together, she was met with a quick turn of the head and thought maybe the former heiress was about to lose her saltines.

Instead, Grace kept her head turned and didn't say a word.

"Gracie, you okay? I wanted to kiss you," Taylor frowned. She kept her blue eyes focused on Grace's face, the muscles in it didn't move. She tried to guide their eyes together but was met with resistance, "What? Are you actually mad about the name?"

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now