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As with most of his milestones, Adrian seemed to hit them all quite quickly

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As with most of his milestones, Adrian seemed to hit them all quite quickly. He was laughing and smiling early on, he was rolling over easily, and then one afternoon at about four and a half months old, Grace just really couldn't get him to relax.

She'd tried feeding him, tummy time, putting him in the wrap and rocking with him. He had a clean diaper, he wasn't overtired, he should have been his happy, smiley self.

Except all he did was fuss and cry and the brunette was really going to lose her mind if he didn't calm down soon. Of course, Taylor had gone to the studio that morning and had brought her parents, brother and some of the team with her, so she didn't expect Taylor to be home any time soon.

They were working on important things and she didn't want to call Taylor home to try to settle him but she was losing her patience and she was starting to question if he really wanted Taylor. Sometimes he got like that, but they were both usually home or just out on a quick errand. It made for an easy fix.

"Do you want your pacifier?" Grace frantically began to search for one of the million and one that had to be around somewhere. As soon as she found one, she tried to offer it to him but he turned his cheek away and cried harder, "Music? Hey Siri! Play Adrian's playlist on the home speaker."

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Play Adrian's playlist on the home speaker!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Oh for fucks sake," Grace didn't even know where she'd left her phone but then she found it in between the couch cushions and cued up the playlist manually. She couldn't blame Siri, she couldn't even hear herself think over the crying.

Grace contemplated what the best option would be when that didn't help at all. She quickly shut it off and brought him upstairs, putting Adrian in his crib and taking a moment to shut the door and breathe.

"Okay," Grace whispered to herself, "Okay, what would someone responsible do? Someone responsible would walk away while getting frustrated, someone responsible would ask for help. Fuck, I need Taylor."

She pulled her phone out of the pocket of the sweatpants she had on and dialled Taylor's contact information. She held it up to her ear and heard the cheery voice on the other end, "Hi, sweetheart! I was just about to call you and check in!"

"Hi, uhm— I'm sorry, can you or someone else come help me? He won't stop crying, it doesn't matter what I do. I've been trying for two and a half hours and I'm about to panic. I put him down in the crib and walked away, he's safe, he's fed, changed, everything, I just cannot do it right now. I don't know what to do."

"Yeah, I'm sure someone— No, I can come home. We'll be right there, okay? Leave him in the crib, go downstairs and get some water. If he's safe, he's fine. Did you wanna talk to my mom?" Taylor looked at her mom with concern and put the phone on speaker.

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