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"Say happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mommy

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"Say happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mommy... happy birthday to you!" Taylor sung as she brought nearly seven month old Adrian on her hip into their bedroom wearing a special outfit. She'd put him in a onesie that looked like a suit with a bow tie on it and paired it with some cute little baby socks that had cats on them.

"Oh my goodness," Grace smiled groggily. Taylor had taken Adrian out when he'd woken up earlier to let her sleep because it was her thirtieth birthday, but she never imagined Taylor dressing him up singing happy birthday.

"Ah!" Adrian shrieked excitedly and reached out for Grace to take him. The brunette sat up and pulled him close before accepting a kiss from Taylor, who then sat on the bed with her legs crossed.

"He's been wild this morning. I put him down to make my coffee and by the time I finished putting the pot on, he'd scooted across the room and was grabbing poor Benji's tail," Taylor smiled as she spoke.

Adrian was able to sit up on his own, scoot around but not quite crawl. He had started eating baby food that month as they slowly introduced him to a variety of puréed vegetables. He slept better at night, carried around a purple teddy bear not much smaller than he was, and loved wiggling along to music when Taylor played it for him, especially live.

Adrian tried to fling himself off of Grace's lap, seemingly done with the cuddles, and Grace sat him up between them so someone could catch him if he made a dash for the edge of the bed. He wrapped his fists around the blanket and made some joyful noises as he babbled on about whatever he possibly could.

"Can you say happy birthday?" Taylor asked him. She tickled his cheek with her finger and he giggled and squirmed away from it, tipping himself over so he was on his back. Grace reached over to him and began to tickle him softly for just a moment, she didn't want to overdo it.

"Gosh, look at his hair today. It's more wild than he is," Grace chuckled as she looked at Adrian's head of hair. The hair he'd been born with had faded and was replaced with really light, curly blond hair a lot like Taylor had when she was young according to the baby pictures.

"Do you have wild hair?!" Taylor asked and poked his nose. He sucked in a lot of air and laughed maniacally, using all his might to roll over and scoot to the foot of the bed and away from them before Taylor scooped him back up and added, "I've got you!"

"This is the best way to wake up," Grace rubbed the sleep from her eyes and said, "Thank you. I thought the newborn phase was hard but the fact that he moves when you put him down now is terrifying and exhausting."

"I'm counting the minutes until nap time," Taylor told Adrian playfully as he protested the air jail he was faced with. It worked for the cats, it worked for the baby, that was the idea.

"There's nothing on the floor, let him explore," Grace said as she double checked. Taylor shifted off the bed and set him down on his butt, hoping he would put himself into position to move around.

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now