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"Can we get some help at the door, please?" Taylor called out as they finally took Adrian home. He was one day old officially as of that morning and they'd just taken him on his first car ride ever. Grace and Taylor both sat in the back of the car, Taylor felt like she was scanning for danger through the windows every five seconds while Grace continuously checked his breathing with a finger under his nose.

"Hi!" Andrea rushed in and tried to take the hospital bags but was actually handed her grandson for the first time since Grace had pulled him out of his car seat in the hall just for her. Andrea gasped with joy as she finally got to hold him, "He looks just like Taylor did."

"I don't see it," the singer set the bags down and stretched her back out because of course Grace had overloaded them and they were heavy, "Are you being serious?"

"I pulled up one of the baby pictures your mum sent to me while we were there and held it up beside his face. You looked just like he does," Grace knew it. She could see it as soon as his skin settled and his eyes opened more frequently.

"You look just like her," Andrea told Adrian with a smile, "You're so sweet, yes."

Grace stood watching them carefully. It wasn't that she didn't trust Andrea with the baby, but she did the same thing when the nurses or even Taylor held him. She was struggling to let him stay with Taylor while she showered that morning, she didn't want him out of her arms. He was safe there. He was safe with her.

"Hey, do you want to go upstairs and rest? Mom and I can handle things until he needs to eat again," Taylor offered the former heiress with the best of intentions. Neither of them had gotten enough sleep over the last couple days and Grace was physically in pain and recovering still.

"I'm not sure," Grace shifted her weight from one foot to another hesitantly, "I don't think so. I think I'll just stay to make sure he's okay."

"I can make sure of that," Taylor replied with knit eyebrows, "He'll eat, sleep or poop and I'm totally capable of managing two thirds of that, and if he gets hungry then I'll bring him to you. You need to rest, babe, I know you're exhausted."

"He's just never been up a staircase or more than one room away from me," Grace explained and Taylor smiled understandingly, she knew Grace was struggling with the separation.

"Okay, I won't bring up the stairs without you present. Go rest, I love you but our marriage will not survive if you're not at least partially rested. You need sleep, my love."

"I love you, too," Grace surrendered and said, "Call me if you or Adrian need anything at all."

"I will, sweetie, get some sleep."

Grace went upstairs and changed into some clothes that hadn't seen the hospital before anxiously laying in bed, worried about what was happening downstairs. She considered giving up and going down, but she needed to trust Taylor and get used to it.

Downstairs, Taylor sat with her mother and watched as Andrea took in all of Adrian's features and cooed things at him even though he was asleep. He was long, all wrapped up into his swaddle. They'd tried putting him in the hospital bassinet to get some sleep but he'd cried the entire time until someone held him, even with the swaddle.

Taylor pulled her legs to the side underneath her, sitting across from her mother and son. She was also exhausted but she knew Grace would really freak out if she left Andrea alone with him. Taylor could see Grace's eyes follow him all of the time, how she had called out from the hospital shower to check in more than once hadn't gone unnoticed.

"How did you come up with the name Adrian?" Andrea asked.

"It came to me in a dream, as freaking silly as that sounds," the blonde replied with a small smile, "I think it was one of the ones we said we'd put on the maybe list and never actually wrote down. It was on our wedding anniversary too, and then he was born on our dating anniversary. I love things like that, feels like it's a sign or something."

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now