Hearts connected

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Normal P.O.V

Erza's eyes widened when the attack that Acnolgoia created destroyed every last single ship that was on the bay. "The ships are gone."

"Looks like there's not a single one left in the harbor!" Bixlow makes a fist with his hands. 

Jet whimpers. "We're screwed!" 

"What are we gonna do now?" Droy began to feel helpless. 

Gray grew a determined face as he glared up at the dragon. "We're gonna stick to the plan!" He tells the others. The ships may be gone but he's not going to give up. He needs to see her. He's going to see his fiance again even if it kills him. She was willing to give up her life for him so now it's time to repay her the favor. He started running toward the docs. "I can make us a ship!

"What--?" Wakaba and Macao were dumbfounded. 

"Oh, yeah! Maker magic!" Romeo remembers what the ice wizard's magic can do. 

"Lyon, help me!" He asked for his rival's help. "You and I need to make a huge ship of ice!"

The Lamia Scale wizard nods behind him. "Right! On it!" He wasn't going to refuse not when the love of his life (Shana) needed him. 

"I'll help however I can!" Juvia joined in hoping her water magic could be of use. 

"We're counting on you!" Erza said. 

"We'll draw Acnologia's attention away!" Mira mentions that's what they'll do in the meantime. 

Cana holds her hand out to her father. "Everybody else, join hands. Start building up magic power. That's why, when Lucy gets here, we'll be ready to cast the spell." She orders to get the spell activated. "Come on. Please hurry." The brunette mutters. 


Lucy and the others weren't far from the port. "Uh! Look Something's happening in Hargeon!" Happy mentions the smoke he spotted. 

"Is the port on fire?" Lucy questions wondering what could've happened while they were on their way. 

"No, what if the ships are burning?" Happy asked worriedly. 

"Our friends will know what to do." Lucy says confidently. 

"We'll go on and create a giant magic enchantment." Freed chimes in. 

"You've got the rest, okay?" Levy said being flown by Carla. 

"This brings back memories, huh, Happy?" Lucy says recalling that Hargeon is where she first met Natsu, Shana, and Happy. "It's where I first met you, Natsu, and Shana years ago."

"Ate, it is!" Happy said remembering how they met. 

"It's the place where my crazy adventure began." Lucy chuckles at the memory. 

"Here she comes, you guys!" Jet shouts spotting Lucy. Everyone began to feel a sense of relief. 

Lucy smiles at the image when she finds out that Natsu and Shana are Fairy Tail wizards and they brought her back to the guild with them. She wouldn't be who she is today without them. "I know... Natsu and Shana will meet us here again!" She assures herself and the blue exceeds. 


Acnologia continues to mercilessly beat the 9 Dragon Slayers in front of him till they are unable to get back up on their feet. "Is that the best you can do? Feeble dragons." He taunts, amused at how they thought they could defeat him. The dark dragon stared at Natsu who was the only one still trying to get back up on his feet despite how wounded he was. 

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcWhere stories live. Discover now