Natsu's Mind

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Normal P.O.V

Lucy and the others hand brought the injured back to Prolyusica and Tsunade.  Tsunade quickly began to heal the Dragon Slayer while Prolyusica healed Shana and Gray. 

"These two have serious injuries, more so Shana. But they should pull through." Prolyusica eyes Tsunade. "That Jutsu she learned... the next time she uses it she can clearly die. She barely has any blood cells within her body."

Tsunade avoids her stare focusing her Jutsu on Natsu. She knows she should had never thought Shana the Jutsu she created. Even thought she's amazed Shana was able to advance it. 

"And if it weren't for Wendy, we really could've lost Shana." Prolyusica informed. Tsunade was indeed grateful for the young Dragon Slayer.

"The main concern is with Natsu." Carla says crossing her arms. 

"Poor guy." Happy frowns being next to his best friends side. 

"Earlier, I could shrink the mass inside of him, but my magic seems to've lost its effect on it. Whatever that is, I'm not powerful enough to counteract it." Brandish explains that her magic isn't working on the Dragon Slayer. 

"That's quite troublesome considering we've seen you shrink an entire island down to the size of a pebble." Alastor said still being around Natsu's neck. 

"I wonder what could possibly be that resistant. It boggles the mind." Lucy mutters in worry. 

"I hate to admit it, but I'm completely at a loss." Prolyusica says sighing. 

"He's a demon." Dimaria spats watching from behind them.  "That's the only way to truly describe him. " 

Happy shook. 'A demon. E.N.D.' He glances over at Shana. 'Does that mean... Shana's also the same?' 

"You shut your mouth!" Tsunade snapped causing the others to gasp at her sudden tone

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"You shut your mouth!" Tsunade snapped causing the others to gasp at her sudden tone. The Sannin kept her focus on the Dragon Slayer before her. 

"And you believe you know him to his very core, do you?" Dimaria snickers. 

"I do in fact!" Tsunade raised her voice. She remembers the memories of when he and Shana played together ass kids. 

"How naive. You can never truly know a person. Even so-called 'friend' have things they keep hidden away from each other. Right, Randi?" Dimaria eyes the green haired woman. 

Tsunade's eyes softens. "This boy... this stupid reckless immature boy... has the heart of a human. Demon or not he has half of a human heart within him." She remembers all the times he has made her daughter happy. Because of him Shana never felt let her half-demon side bother her anymore.

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu