Tartaros Chapter, Finale - Where the Power of Life Lies

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Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a0elo-qB-cdsGLVP0b1jsU2yxm-hRzJZ/view

Shana's P.O.V

Day light rose, the next thing we new, all the Dragon Slayers were standing in front of the five dragons minus, Igneel and Natsu.

I was shocked to find out that Amphitrite has cure my bane particles.

"Grandeena you're back!" Wendy smiles as tears fall from her eyes watching her dragon mother in front of her.

"Yes child, we've returned at last. And Acnologia has ben repelled." The sky dragon returned the same smile at the bluenette.

Everyone felt relieved that the dragons were on our side to stop the Face. To buys worrying about Natsu, I didn't realize that my other mother Tsunade was staring at my dragon mother.

"Worried about Igneel's son, my dear?" Amphitrite gave me a teasing smile.

I deadpanned. "I'm defiantly not in the mood for this!" I also didn't realize Gray stood behind me with Kilala on his shoulders watching my dragon mother in amazement. 

I could sense the sad look in her eyes when she glances back over at where Igneel laid to rest. "So... you had a thing with Igneel or where you two timing with Atlas Flame?" I asked my mom with my arms crossed. 

She just gave me this irked look. "I loved them both. In the end I couldn't decide."

I gasped. She was in the same situation I was in. 

"I'm proud of you, for destroying that Face." Grandeena praised the young Dragon Slayer.

Wendy wipes away her tears. "Thanks, but... Carla did the hard part." She wanted to give Carla the credit.

Gajeel glares at his foster dragon. "So that's him? That's Metalicana?" Lily asked about the dragon that was giving Gajeel a stare down.

"He's your dad?" Levy asked in amazed.

"You still look like you just swallowed rust." The dragon teased his son.

Gajeel deadpanned. "So do you!" He spats back.

"I don't get it

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"I don't get it." Sting said confused looking at the white dragon. "I remember killing you. So how can you be here?"

"I need to ask you the same question, Skiadrum. How are you still alive?" Rouge said. Aria stared at the dragons in awe.

Weisslogia laughs. "We altered your memories. In order to help you grow strong." The white dragon explained.

"It was experiment of ours one Igneel was against." Skiadrum added for the reasoning. "We raised you both as Dragon Slayer. And to complete you upbringing, we gave you the experience o slaying dragons."

"However, it's incorrect to say that we're still alive."Amphitrite mentioned.

I gasped upon hearing that. No.... she can't...Not after spending all those times searching for her.

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora