Emperor Spriggan.

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Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kuJAfKxROyF7mFuSGto4EmFYA_4EbyhC/view

Normal P.O.V

Gray gasped feeling the strong magic power that he was sensing from the green haired woman. 'Wh-what is this? How can anyone have such a level of magic power? It's unreal! I hate to admit it but... I don't even think Shana stands a chance on her own.'

Natsu growls grabbing on to his bandaged arm. Gray glances at him in question before looking at the woman that held so much magic power. 

"I have a craving for some Melon Bread gelato." The woman said making Gray and Natsu dumbfounded as she approached the now destroyed hut. "The shop is like totally in pieces! Who could've done this?" The woman cried her eyes out. 

"Uhh, it was those guys, standing over there!" Marin smiles optioning to the Fairy Tail mages. 

"That's a lie!" Natsu and Gray gave him an offended look. 

"The whole thing was your fault!" Gray snarls. 

Brandish sighs. "Oh... And I really wanted some, too." She said looking disappointed and began to walk away. "Let's go." 

"Uh, Brandish, please wait!" Marin exclaimed, that she didn't care about the enemy. "It happened because these oafs picked a fight with our soldiers! And I think the only reason they're here is to contact the spy!"

"I don't care." She said not being interested in fighting them. "Now go on and give 'em back their A plus girls, okay?" 

"Wh-What--? But they're some of the best in my entire collection!" Marin pouts."You even gave the whole idea your blessing. You remember, don't you?"

All of the sudden the ground began to move. Brandish glances back at Marin with a hard look in her eyes. 

"Whoa. What's happening? Gray asked confused.

"An earthquake?" Natsu asked not knowing what causing the ground to shake. 

"Uh-oh!" Marin began to panic. 

"What's with her?" Natsu eyed the green haired woman. 

"Marin, did you not hear what I said?" 

"Right!" Marin shouts. 

"I've never seen this kind of magic." Gray said his gaze was still on the powerful woman. 

Marin brought back the girls.

"Shana! Erza! Lucy!" Natsu ran up to them to make sure they were okay.

"I didn't hurt them. I sent them off to a place where they could chill out." Marin explained he meant them no harm. 

"Where were we just now?" Erza asked trying to shake off the dizziness. "That was absolutely horrible." 

"We're back on the island." Lucy says relief. 

"I wanna throw up!" Shana whines having three purple lines above her head. She gasped when her eyes landed on the green haired woman. 'That magic power is unreal...'

'She's more powerful than Gramp!' Gray thought. 

Shana's P.O.V

"Um, Miss Brandish." Marin calls out to the green haired woman that was loaded with crazy amount of magic power. "Don't forget that we were sent all the way out here on a mission to capture the spy and her associates. I don't really wanna find out what ol' Wall will have to say if we come back home empty- handed."

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcWhere stories live. Discover now