Dark Future

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Normal P.O.V

 " I decided his life was more important to me. I don't give a damn what he is, 'cause Natsu's a true friend. And a father!"

"Whether it's you or I who dies here today, it won't make any difference. You'll still lose them."

"You know I'm not gonna let that happen. " Gray released a huge amount of magic power. "Which is why... I'm takin' you down myself."

"I thought you understood the stakes. If I die, Natsu and Shana will die with me."

"I happen to have a way to beat you without killing you." He got into a very familiar stance. The spell he sore he'd never use again. "Iced Shell!"

Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6JyBQw39s454FmJt10wEnyBhLWb2z1M/view

Zeref's eyes wide, recognizing the spell. "Careful, Gray! The cost of that spell is your own life!"

"Time after time, people have sacrificed their lives for mine." He began to think about the people that he had lost. And Shana. The one who suffered more for him. The twins. "That means... it's not only my life I'm putting on the line right now. So I'm not dying an easy death! I owe them more than that!"

"No, this magic power! This is a Lost spell!"

"That's right. I don't care if anybody remembers me. I'm willing to erase my entire existence if that's what it takes to save their lives!" He pushed himself harder. "So I'm converting my life and every trace of me into magic power. I'm gonna cast Lost Iced Shell!"

"Where'd you learn such a spell?" 

"I picked it up from a bunch of freaks who worshipped you like some kinda of god." He recalls when he went undercover with Avatar. "Not my favorite job I've taken. Guess this was the 'silver lining.'" The entire guild began to be covered in frost.  "Enhancing a spell with lost attributes is something else, makes it hundreds of times more powerful." 

"But it carries quite a hefty toll. It erases the caster's entire existence from the world." Zeref warns him of the price the ice mage has to pay. 

"So everyone I've met throughout my life will totally forget about me." Gray makes his spell more powerful. "It just means no one has to grieve. There've been way too many tears already!

Zeref groans flinching at the cold beneath his legs. "It's impossible." His entire being began to be covered in ice. 

"You're not gonna bother anybody again---it's over!"

"The world will not be rid of me. Yet you're willing to give up your whole existence! You'd sacrifice absolutely everything to encase me in ice for a while? You know this won't kill me!" Zeref retorts. 

"But if I did kill you, Natsu and Shana would die, too! So trapping you in ice forever is my only choice! I won't let Shana give up her life to save his!" 

"But this won't last forever!" Zeref smirks. "The ice will melt eventually, and then I will be free!" 

"And until that day comes, we'll have peace in Ishgar," Gray smirks himself. "I call that a win for Fairy Tail."

Gray closes his eyes ready to accept his fate. Inside his head, he apologizes to his friends, to his fiancé who wouldn't get a chance to marry her like he wanted to. As much as he wanted a future with her and his daughters, he couldn't not as long as Zeref was still part of this world. At least with this spell, he would hurt, and she'd be able to live her life with Natsu at her side. He'd be missing his daughters to grow into beautiful women like their mother. He'd miss them getting their guild marks when they're older. Walking them down the aisle, but at least Natsu would be there in his place. That's good enough for him. 

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcWhere stories live. Discover now