Fairy Tail Zero

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Authors note: short chapter. 

Shana's P.O.V

An eerie light illuminated the entire Kingdom of Fiore, transporting everyone and everything to unexpected places.


"What in the hell is going on?!" I don't even know where I am!" Natsu shouts emerging from Katsuyu. ( My summoning slug.)

My eyes twitch with annoyance. "Well for starters, get you filthy hands off me!" 

His looks down realizing that he was touching my boobs. 

"Me, too!" Happy groans from underneath my arm. 

"Didn't even realize you were here." He said not even bother getting off me. 

I turn to my summon. "Thanks Katsuyu. You saved us. I wasn't sure you were gonna come."

"I will always come to your aid when you call me, Lady Shana." Katsuyu says nodding. "But please be a bit more careful. You've used half of your chakra in doing so." 

I had my eyes closed. "I'll keep that in mind." With that she was gone.  "When are you gonna stop groping me?" 

"No way, you were able to cancel it out?" Natsu asked impressed. 

"It wasn't much canceling it out. Katsuyu just got us out of there when I had called her. Now cancel out your grabby hands!" I kicked him away. 

"It's weird. I gotta wonder, how in the heck did we end up wherever we are now?" Happy asked confused as to how the landscape is changed. 

"I can't get a whiff of Mest or Brandish. Nope. No trace of August." Natsu said not being able to smell them out. 

"What in the world could've happened?" Lucy asked getting up herself. 

"The light from before moved us. It took us to unfamiliar places. You're all lucky that Shana had used her Summoning Jutsu to keep the four of you safe." Alastor explains. 

"Look!" Happy points to the Fiore. 

I furrow my eyebrows. "Fiore had be twisted. Nothing in the kingdom was where it should've been." I said looking at the messed up kingdom. 

"Mercurius next to Kardia Cathedral?" Lucy sweat-dropped. 

"I don't remember them bein' this close." Natsu said. I deadpanned. 

"Well, duh. They're supposed to be hundreds of miles from each other." I simply pointed out. 

It was like we had wandered into an alternate world. But what would we find waiting for us? Hope or despair?

Lucy's eyes widen. "How the heck are they right next to each other like?" She questions about Mercurius and Cathedral. 

"I don't know. They look like they're in two different cities.  Did they merge somehow?" Natsu just as confused. 

"I don't see the guild hall anywhere. Or any other buildings!" Happy said flying in the air. 

"Well, Shana, what do you got?" Alastor asked once I was using my Judgment spell. 

I sigh in frustration. "Yeah everything is totally messed up. It's hard to pick up where anybody is. It's like the rest of Magnolia disappeared." My spell vanishes. 

"What?" Natsu mutters in disbelief. 

"That's crazy!" Lucy said. 

Natsu gasped. "Wait. That smell. Someone's here." 

I gasped spotting, Juvia, Gray, and Erza. The hell how couldn't I pick them up on my radar?

"Sup Gray?!"  Natsu smirks not expecting to run into them. 

"Good to see ya!" Lucy and Happy said in unison. 

His eyes were shocked when they met mine. "You're okay!" He said relief in his voice. 

I gave him a slight nod. "Hmm." 

"So glad we found you." Juvia said smiling. 

"What's goin' on with her?" Natsu asked about Gray carrying Erza on his back. 

"Erza? She had a pretty brutal fight." Gray explained. 

"We were trying to get her back to the guild. " Juvia added. 

"Yeah, that's where we were going, too." Lucy mentions. 

"I'm super worried about Carla. " Happy adds in. 

"Problem is, we don't know what direction it's in." Gray pointed out. 

"This sucks!" Natsu groans frustrated. 

I yelped in pain when something tried to cancel out my Judgement spell. "Hey, whats up?" Natsu asked holding me in his arms.

"My Judgement spell was canceled out somehow. "I said with one closed eye. 

"Natsu! See that? Whoa." Happy points to the sky. 

Natsu and Juvia gasp when we spotted what looked to be an eye lurking in the sky. 

"An eye?"

"A huge one!" 

'Listen up! To get to the guild hall, start heading north, now!' 

A voice said through telepathy. 

'You need to assemble at the guild hall before it's too late! The enemy may have separated you, but you have to come together now!'

"I think the guild's that way!" Natsu point to a random direction. 

"Well, it's the only thing we have a lead on." I suggested we had no other option. 


"But can we really trust some random voice?" Gray asked being hesitant. 

"What if they're trying to steal you from me?" Juvia asked being paranoid. I swear I'm gonna kill her. 

'Mavis is in trouble. Go and help her! I know she's like a mother to all of you, so don't waste any time and get over there! It's your duty to protect her!'

"Let's go!" Natsu shouts. 

"I wonder who it is, and why they care." Gray said not recognizing it. 

"Who gives a crap, man? Let's head out!" Natsu says brushing it off. 

I deadpanned. So shallow.

"Back to the guild, you guys! We've got work to do!" Natsu declares raising his fist in the air. 

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora