Tartaros Chapter - Alegria

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Shana's P.O.V

"Do you two smell anything? Mira?" Lucy asked us once we were on our way to find Mira and I could find Shiro.

Natsu and I tried to sniff the air. "Not yet. This place is built like a friggin' maze." Natsu said. "Damn it!"

"There's so many scents that's blocking our sense of smell," I added how frustrating it's getting.

"Let's keep on moving west for now," Lucy suggested it's our only best shot.

"Don't worry! We'll find her, I can feel it!" Natsu assured us.

I wasn't too worried about Mira. I know she can handle herself. I'm more worried about the poor unfortunate soul that's up against her.


"There that should do it," Lucy said after finishing bandaging me up again.

"Thanks," I said putting on my night-cape.

"Why couldn't you just use your healing Jutsu?" She asked curiously.

"Because I need to conserve every bit of power I have left to defeat Shiro," I told her.

"Who is this Shiro person anyway?" Natsu asked with his arms crossed.

I grunt having my eyes shift to the ground. They both stared at me waiting for a reply. I sigh. "He's a Crimson Lord who helped with my training back when I was training with Alastor." A small smile appeared on my face recalling the memories. "Of course back then... he was a skeleton due to his cruse that was bound on helping the next Flaming-Haired-Blazing-Eyed-Hunter."

There was a frown on Lucy's face. "So why's he after you if he was your caretaker?"

I remember what Shiro told me. How he still hates Alastor for killing Mathilde. "Because Alastor destroyed the previous Flaming-Haired-Blazing-Eyed-Hunter." They both let out a gasp.

"That doesn't sound like Alastor," Natsu said in disbelief.

I chuckle recalling the story Alastor told me. "It's because Mathilde was the longest survivor of the previous Flame Haze that was contracted to the Flame of Heavens. In their time, a war broke out and to be able to win it, Mathilde cast Tenpa Josai. The manifestation of Alastor." I paused for a minute."And we'll, I guess you can figure out the rest."

"I take it she didn't survive it like you did," Lucy said figuring out the ending.

I shook my head. "But what's it got to do with you?" Natsu asked still being lost.

Lucy deadpanned. "How dense can you be?"

"I believe it's because Shiro harbored feelings for Mathilde but Mathilde loved Alastor instead and Alastor loved her."

"So what? He wants revenge for not having his feelings return. That's bullcrap." Natsu spats.

"Natsu!" Lucy scolded him.

I shook my head again. "There's more. I just can't quite figure it out. But I do know, I have to fight him on my own."

The other two nod understanding.

"Hold on a sec." Lucy said as she was helping me put on my night cape. "I think Gray is getting into it with one of the enemies back there." She told us.

I know he can manage on his own but still can't help but feel worried for him.

"I'm pretty sure that I can smell Mirajane somewhere nearby," Natsu said catching her scent.

Shana's Fairy Tail book #2 (Gray x Ox + Natsu X OcWhere stories live. Discover now