This was the first nice meal that Misun had ever eaten since she moved into her apartment. Her face gleamed and brightened as she looked at the food. She was very thankful for this dinner, even if it was at 11:00 p.m.

As everyone started eating, Mr. Bang spoke to start a conversation, "So how was todays mission?"

Everyone became silent as they recalled everything that had happened earlier. The boys all had the same thought, he's know what happened. Why is he asking that?

"Went just as planned, sir." Jungwon confidently said.

Mr. Bang motioned towards Misun and Boreum, "Are you ladies alright from the mission?"

"Yes, thank you very much." Both said unison, thinking that he was a bit scary.

"I heard you used your katana, wish I could've seen that happen." he winked at misun.

All she could do was give a friendly smile. She chewed her food until she paused when Heeseung interrupted, "It was okay."

"Sorry Heeseung, what did you say?" Mr. Bang said with eyes pleading him to stop.

Misun wasn't going to let some stupid words ruin her appetite. "Ditto." She smiled sarcastically as she went for another bite.

To put an end to this torture of a ruined conversation, Jake asked her to pass the yellow radish, "Hey Misun, could you pass the yellow radish please?"

"Yeah, sure." She said devouring her meal.

"Thanks." He said, having the person next to him stabbing his chopsticks into his food and glaring at her.


"That was so delicious Mr. Bang." Hayun thanked him for the food.

"You can just leave your plates here." Mr. Bangs already had his maid waiting patiently on the side.

"I can clean up here and wash everything." Misun suggested.

"That's not necessary, Misun." he was interrupted by her.

"I insist, you've given us a lot for such a little time of us being here. It's the least I can do." She softly smiled.

"Well if you insist, be my guest. Thank you, Misun." He genuinely thought she was crazy.

As the rest we're heading out of the room, Misun headed towards the kitchen. She always has to do something in return to those who are great people to her.

She thought about all that happened recently. Usually she is composed, but all the boys had seen that she has a different side. She felt embarrassed knowing the times where she has yelled in front of them and cursed so loudly. Misun had one speculation about how this could happen. Lee Heeseung. She needed to be that innocent, quiet and intelligent girl that most people know her as. With more people knowing that she is just as normal, she'd lose herself more.

Misun didn't mind getting her fingertips soggy from washing the dishes. She'd do this all the time on her own, it wasn't any different.

With footsteps and actions so quiet, Jay walked in. he asked, "You think I can help you with that?"

She looked at him blankly as he spoke again, "And before you answer that, I'm going to help you anyways."

He proceeded to walk over to her as she made space on the right of her. Misun gave him the space to rinse off the soap on that side. She never really talked to any of them, other than sunoo.

"You didn't have to do this, Jay." She calmly said still focusing on washing the dishes.

"I wanted to." He responded.

"And I'm sorry about Heeseung, he can be sometimes be a handful." He continued.

"Tell me about it, and thanks for apologizing for him but he's the one who should be saying sorry to me." Misun answered.

Jay leaned on the sink a bit and told her more, "You know before all this happened, Heeseung really tried so hard to make his parents proud even if they are in a tough position. That's probably why he doesn't like anyone else fighting for his so-called spot."

She didn't even have the time to respond as he finished rinsing already, she had more information about Heeseung by what he said. "See you." Jay lastly said.

She sat down at the table again and spoke to herself quietly, He doesn't know what I go through too, it's not fair.

Someone who was peeking through the small gap in between the door heard her. That person stared at her with compelling eyes.

Nothing in life is fair, Kim Misun.


the hatred | 희승 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें