27. Mirajane Strauss

Start from the beginning

"Alright, fine then. My Satan Soul wizard is thirteen as well."

"So are you agreeing, teeny tiny?" Jose said with a mirthful smile.

"To see you're smug mug when you taste defeat? Oh, most certainly!"

"Alright then, message your wizard and I'll message mine! Tomorrow night, they'll fight and we'll see whose rooky is superior!"



If someone was going to say that the Fairy Tail guild hall was peaceful at night, they would be understating the truth of that statement.

While simultaneously telling you a blatant lie.

Most of the guild was being thrown against the walls while tables were being used as weapons and shields. Almost every adult within the guild was dropping their jaws or running in fear as the pair of two girls fighting each other threw the building into disarray.

"Die, Erza!"

"I'll make you cry, Mirajane!"

A familiar girl with braided red hair and steel armour was trading blows with a white-haired girl with a punk aesthetic. They were gritting their teeth in both anger and frustration as their fists collided. The source of their anger? Completely unknown.

The white-haired girl kicked the redhead away, sending her flying into the wall of the guild and over a pair of screaming adults. "Is that armour your training bra!?"

Erza quickly recovered, delivering a punch that had a similar result to the kick. "Like showing off your love handles!?"

They locked themselves in a grapple, butting their heads together to overpower the other. But the lulled moment in their seemingly spontaneous brawl didn't prevent them from slinging insults at each other.

"You ugly prude!"

"You stupid wench!"

"Thunder thighs!"


"What did you say!?"

Off to their side, a group of kids watched in exasperation as the two young teens butted heads in the most literal way.

"Way to lower the bar guys..." said a small girl with brown hair tied up in a ponytail wearing a yellow dress. Cana Alberona.

"And Erza tells us not to fight..." said a young boy with black hair, the only thing he was wearing being a black pair of boxers. Gray Fullbuster.

"This is pissing me off!" said a boy with pink hair, a red shirt, and a white scarf wrapped around his neck. Natsu Dragneel was cracking his knuckles as he looked at the two fighting with determination, "Erza, Mira...I'll beat up the both of ya one day!"

That statement drew the attention of the two girls who were fighting, making the group of kids shiver and glare at Natsu.

"Gray! Put on some pants!"

"Y-Yes, Erza!"

"Pfft! Los- huh?" Natsu started to laugh before he felt Mira grab his head.

"Get away from my sister, pinky!"


This time it was Gray's turn to laugh, as he got to see the pinkette get thrown through a window and into the bay beside the cliff the Fairy Tail guildhall rested on.

"Miraaaa! Was that necessary?" said a younger girl with short white hair and a pink dress. This was Mirajane's younger sister, Lisanna Strauss.

"Of course it was! No baby sister of mine is going to contract whatever intelligence-reducing sickness Erza's friends have!"

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