CHAPTER 28 - On The Defensive Side

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"if you travel too far from one body, then the others resets it's position instead of going back where we were previously."

Ashlyn was silent for a few moments, giving his theory some thoughts. "That would make sense... so the question is 'how far' is the distance limit? And if we traveled too far in the phantom dimension, would our bodies here also change locations?"

"That's a possibility ... but there's also the fact that things don't move the same in the phantom dimension as they do in human. I'm not sure how we would test it though-"

While Ashlyn and Logan were discussing the possibility, Aiden's mind was blank. He couldn't process all the complicated information. The more they talked about it, the more his brain shut down. Y/N was in a similar situation, but she was willing to listen even though she didn't want to. She knew she had to hear their thoughts and ideas to have a chance at getting her life back.

Logan and Ashlyn were considered the smart ones in the group, coming up with most of the ideas and possibilities. As they continued discussing various theories, Aiden's brain just stopped. Out of boredom, he intentionally slammed his head hard on the table, causing the group to jump in surprise.

"I get that learning about the dimension is important and stuff, but can we talk about something exciting?" Aiden said, resting his head against the table, clearly showing his boredom to the group.

The group fell silent, staring at him with blank expressions, feeling confused. However, the annoyance towards his attitude almost made it difficult to resist the urge to slap some sense into him. Tyler was the first to almost take action, standing up with his hand raised, ready to intervene.

"Don't," he was stopped by his sister, who placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to prevent him from doing anything rash

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"Don't," he was stopped by his sister, who placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to prevent him from doing anything rash.

Ashlyn was about to do the same thing as she had the look and was slowly raising her hand. Logan, the brunette boy, noticed what she was about to do and called out to her.

"Ashlyn-" Though, Ashlyn was able to clear her head and focus on the task at hand.

"What do you think about asking my parents to teach us self-defense?"

"REALLY?!" Aiden jumped up excitedly from his seat, glancing briefly at Y/N. His mind was still thinking about something from the previous night.

'That's right,' Y/N remembered Ashlyn mentioning this before she left the group, which had slipped her mind. 'This could be a good start. It is important to learn how to train ourselves better in case of danger, as it will help us defend ourselves from phantoms independently, at least within the group. Thanks to my dad's training, my body stamina has improved, but a little more training wouldn't hurt since it's been a while.'

The blond boy suddenly had an idea and turned towards Ashlyn, exclaiming, "YOUR HAIR!" He gripped her arms with an excited smile and said,

The blond boy suddenly had an idea and turned towards Ashlyn, exclaiming, "YOUR HAIR!" He gripped her arms with an excited smile and said,

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