CHAPTER 6 - Request

Start from the beginning

After all that was over, Y/N headed upstairs to her room, leaving her dad in the kitchen while her grandparents played chess together. Once in her room, she immediately took solace on her bed, feeling the comfort and peace in her comfortable room. Lying flat on the bed, arms out and her attention focused on the ceiling of her roof, lots was on her mind, though some questions in her mind stood out to her.

"Would this field trip really benefit me in getting friends? Would that even matter?" She wondered, and right as that was said those thoughts, a text from Aiden came on her phone. Grabbing it, she looked at the messages sent to her, an annoyed frown made it to her lips upon seeing the text.

Aiden -

Where are you?


I'm at home, obviously.

What are you doing?

I'm on my bed doing nothing besides texting you, and what do you want?

Okay, doing?


I was just seeing if you were busy.

As I told you, I'm doing nothing.

Oh, perfect, because I'm right outside your house.

"WHAT! NO WAY!" Y/N jumped up from her bed, and upon making it to her window she peeped through it, only to discover Aiden and Ben standing right by end of the sidewalk along with two strangers.


In fact, how do you know where I live!

Easy, I have superpowers.😀


I saw your house while we were on the bus, plus like I said I live close by, so it was easy to come by.

Why are you here and who are the others behind

We're taking Ashlyn on that field trip, and they're my parents.

Why did you have to come to my house when you could've gone to hers?

I already said I was coming on the field trip.

And why are your parents here!

You know what that's not that point!

What you need to do is LEAVE! I don't want you here, you can figure everything out, and I mean on your own, without me! Now go.

You did?

And second, I want to invite you.


You know what...

I'm coming downstairs.

Y/N got up from her bed and headed down stairs with a fast pace. She then grabbed her sweater from the coat rack by the doorway.

"Hey Hun, you going somewhere?" Her dad asked from the kitchen upon hearing her footsteps.

"I'm um- I'm heading out, for a bit of course, though I won't take to long to come back." The girl replied while putting on her sweater.

"Really? Where are you heading?"

"For a walk, but don't worry I'll have my phone on me, so you can text me if you'd like." She explained, while in the process of putting on her sweater she showed him her phone, indicating she has it on her while rushing out the door.

"Alright, be safe!"

Y/N smiled slightly to herself before closing the door. She quickly turned around, spotting Aiden almost instantly. Aiden then spotted her and waved with a smile. The sight of alone made her annoyed. Without hesitation, she quickly heading towards him, however not before slowly down slight to greet his parents.

"Hello, You're Aiden's parents right. Hi, I'm Y/N."

"Oh my, such polite manners." Said the mother, putting a hand on her cheek as she seems already fond of her.

"Uh-huh, I'm his classmates, where going on the field trip together."

"Yes, he's actually been talking about it. So, you must be the guest he was talking about?"

"I believe so," Y/N glanced at Aiden, "but, um- before we go anywhere, I'd like to talk to your son, Aiden, privately..."

"Oh-" Before much was said from the woman Y/N had already took of with Aiden, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him away from his parents and Ben.

Once they were at a safe distance, she stopped and grabbed his shoulders. Her head was slightly lowered as she caught her breath. Aiden looked at her with curiosity. There were a few marks of irritation on her face as she tried to calm down from smacking him.

Rasing her head she gave him a glare, one filled with annoyance and anger. With a serious tone she said: "You better give a reasonable explanation of what you're doing here."

"Oh, hey Y/N." He smiled, acting as if he wasn't been giving a threat. "I'm glad you're here."

"What are you doing here!" She lost her patience.

"I'm taking you to Ashlyn's house with my parents, Ben, and you as their guest."

"Aiden, you're telling me you came all this way to tell me I'm your guest at Ashlyn's house." She then released her grip from Aiden.


"You seriously don't understand the concept of this common thing of any personal space in society, do you?" Y/N wasn't sure if he was dumb or just being an idiot. At this point he was getting unbearable to deal with. Is it hard for her not get any personal space.


"Why are you here Aiden, you barely know me, and I can guess you don't know Ashlyn either. I don't understand why you're so persistent on being this way, and why your treating me like were friends or something?"

"Huh... But, aren't we friends?" He sure was being delusional.



"No!" The irritated Y/N yelled, while the blonde boy stood there unfazed. "I- have you ever heard me say that I'd like to be friends with you. No! I clearly ignored throughout school."

"And like I said, it's for field trip reasons."

'Did he not just hear what I said.' Thought Y/N, a irk mark visible on her forehead.  Soon, a sigh escaped her lips.

"Look, I'm not sure if you hear me before, but I'm not interested in us being friends or to be showing up to anyone's house. This conversation sure was a waste of my time. So, to summarize all of this, I'm not interested and that's final."

Yet currently Y/N was inside Ashlyn house, standing in the living with an annoyed expression while Aiden stood by her side happily as he saw that his plan went well.

'I knew I should've stayed homeschooled.'

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