Episode 13: disappearances.

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We start with Gwen's team from the last episode still in Bellwood, in front of the clocktower with ben on speaker.

Gwen: what do you mean she got away?

Cooper: the power cut out and the cage she was in deactivated. She slipped away while the backup generator kicked in.

Max: we need to find her.

Emily: do you guys think you can drop me off back home first?

Julie: me too, this has been way too much excitement for one day.

Gwen: I'll go stink and get a bird's eye view.

Max nodded and with ben still on speaker he told cooper and ben to get to Bellwood on ben's hoverboard. Gwen hung up and activated the omnitrix, twisting the dial over and over again until she found stinkfly, and she slammed down on the core. Finding herself as stinkfly, she encased sublimino in stink fly goo before immediately took off into the air. She watched the rest of the group get inside of the rustbucket and drive off. She floated up high and she used her eye stalks to look around as much as she could. Making sure to not miss a single thing. Witch is how she found the queen running and leaping across buildings she started blasting her with goo and the queen landed down in an alleyway, cutting herself free where she saw Gwen landing down. Gwen immediately started blasting the queen with goo, and the queen started to heat up her chips and she forced the goo to harden before shattering it.

Gwen: come on, we both know you don't want to do this.

Queen: and we both know that's a lie.

Gwen: fine, you want to play it like that?

She began to fly forward before timing out and being launched headfirst into the Queen and her chips. The queen picked her up by the omnitrix and began laughing.

Queen: even with all that power, your still just a plain old human at the end of the day. And a child no less.

Her spikes attempted to enter into Gwen's ears to infect her but the omnitrix emitted green and yellow flash before launching Gwen away from the Queen with its defensive energy burst. With Gwen down, the queen got out while she could and Gwen looked down at the watch, waiting as it freaked out between yellow and green before returning to the pink it usually is when attached to her wrist. She looked around and found the queen was gone. She waited for max to come and get her. Max returned with ben, Jonesy and lucy and she explained what just happened, yawning as she did so.

Max: let's get you kids back home. I'll keep looking. You kids are in no energy right now to keep looking for her.

Lucy: I'm... plenty... awa...

She then fell asleep while leaning against the rust bucket.

Ben: how you holding up Jonesy?

Jonesy: I'm starting to get to use to all this action and stuff.

He said attempting to lean on his blaster, accidentally shooting it off into the sky. Immediately handing it back to max. Cut to Gwen returning home and falling asleep, the omnitrix still flashing between green and yellow.

When she woke up the next day, she found that her alarm hadn't gone off, she found it weird and got herself up, still in her pyjamas and she looked around her house. Looking for her parents but they weren't around.

Gwen: maybe dad headed to work early.

When she couldn't find her mom, she thought something was weird.

Gwen: maybe she went shopping and thought I had already left.

She stepped outside and she began walking to school. As she did however, she saw people outside of their houses, all clearly looking for whoever they could. Gwen pulled out her phone and she called ben, who was, as to be expected, was still sleeping in and didn't have a clue it was even a Friday. Inside ben's house ben was still sleepy and he placed on his mask.

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