Episode 10 - Life in the Underground

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We begin in a field with the kids playing a game called Shock or be shocked. Piloting mini drones they try to hide from each other while shocking the other with the drone. As Zak shocked Fisk he made a snide remark before they both saw a pink flash. Running towards it, Zak attempts to zap her, but it turns out that she had changed into Diamondhead.

Zak: hey, that's cheating.

Gwen: where is it in the rules?

Zak: we didn't have to make rules around aliens before.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. Zak attempted to Zap her, but she grabbed onto Zak, the drone's electricity Zapping Zak as well in the process.

Gwen: hertz, doesn't it?

The group laugh as Comodo blasted Fisk with a reflex disrupter. Momentarily stopping Fisk's motor control.

Zak: reflex disrupter jousting. Nice.

Gwen: should we really be playing with this stuff anyway.

Zak: why do you care? You're immune anyway.

Comodo tried to blast Gwen, but it bounced off of her, firing into the horizon.

Gwen: point taken.

Zak: look, it's just the first time in months that we haven't had constant adult supervision, and with a lot of our issues being dealt with, it's time to just be a kid.

Gwen: what's even left to deal with anyway?

Zak: Kur and...

He stops himself as he remembered that Comodo didn't know that they had worked with Argost.

Zak: just Kur.

Suddenly the claw was taken by a yo-yo.

Zak: what the?

Gwen: you need to get a better grip on that thing.

They chase after it, only for the yo-yo to come back with a vengeance. It manages to lose his belt, and then take it. Causing his pants to fall.

Gwen: who'd steal a belt?

Zak: wait, I can't be. Wadi?

A girl walks out from the bushes, she was wearing a black hijab, a long-sleeve purple shirt that goes down to her mid-thighs, cuffed pink pants, and heavy black boots. She was holding the weapons they were playing with, as well as the claw.

Wadi: was the belt too much to steal? I feared it might give me away.

Zak: what? How did you get here?

Gwen: a friend of yours?

Wadi: I fear the giant walking crystal monster may be a little too much to steal. But I'm willing to try.

Zak: seriously, how did you get here?

Wadi: I was told we had to surprise you.

Zak looked confused before yelling could be heard. Somebody ran over and tackled him. It was another of Zak's friends. His name was Ulraj, and he was a crypted himself. He had a fish-like appearance. He was covered in blue scales and, rather than hair, has something resembling fins on his head and a seaweed-like substance for his "moustache." He had no nose or eyebrows, but he had pointed years and pupilless eyes that are red and glassy. Ulraj wears a green-yellow and red tunic with a yellow sash tied around his waist. His leggings are green, and he wears red boots and red gloves.

Zak: ULRAJ!?

Ulraj: this grip is called the lobster's claw. I invented it.

While watching Zak's friends come in, Gwen heard somebody calling out from behind her.

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