Episode 12 - ghostfreaked out.

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Our episode starts on the road with Gwen jittering in her seat.

Max: so Gwen, are you excited to your new school?

Gwen: uh huh.

Ben: I still don't get what you see in a bigger school.

Max: come on ben, this is important to her.

Ben: I know, I know. But she's still a mega nerd for wanting this.

Gwen didn't respond as she seemed lost in thought.

Ben: I said, you're a mega nerd.

Gwen: ok.

Ben looked at her with a touch of concern.

Ben: are you ok Gwen?

Gwen: just thinking about what I'm going to do about ghostfreek.

Ben: you could just not us the omnitrix.

Gwen: with how many bad guys we keep coming across, I can't. people could get hurt.

Max: why don't you just forget about it, we're here. Take the day to look around a new, potential school for you to go to once it's time to go to high school.

Gwen: I'll try grandpa.

Ben: this is where you're trying to go?

Gwen: Bancroft academy is one of the most prestigious schools in the country.

Max: I just wish it wasn't in the same own where we fought zombozo and his circus freaks.

Ben: we? Last time I checked I stopped zombozo.

Gwen: not the time dweeb.

We cut to them taking the classroom tour where a student named tiffany is giving the tour.

Tiffany: and over there is our prised computer lab.

Ben: I bet those beats could play some pretty sweet games.

Tiffany: our computers are not used to play games, they are used for the IT students to make there silly little programs.

Gwen: what do you mean, silly little programs?

Tiffany: well, those programs aren't to useful, not unless you can get the proper funding to make a useful one. But the chances of somebody getting that funding is even less then the chance of an average person getting in. after all, most people just aren't Bancroft academy material.

We then see as three figures appear from behind the edge of a wall, this time it's the circus trio.

Acid breath: are you sure there's valuables here?

Freightwig: just trust me.

Acid breath: I would if you where the leader.

Freightwig: I am the leader.

Acid breath: no I am.

Thumb skull: can we get the goods first?

Freightwig: with what we'll steel from here. We'll have enough to split up.

Acid breath: then let's get going then.

Cut back to inside of the school where Gwen is in the science lab, looking around and the various beaker and experiments going on.

Ben: why are there so many kids here during summer?

Tiffany: it's the summer school program.

Ben: who picks more school?

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