Episode 3 - the kraken

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We start with ben and Gwen standing close to a pool. Both of them wearing there swimming attire and the pair looking into the pool.

Ben: come on, I bet the water is great.

Gwen: we don't get to stop by water often so I want to try and see how some of my alien react to the water.

Ben: whatever you say.

He runs forward and cannonballs into the water. Gwen pressing a button on the omnitrix and she turns the faceplate to the small form and she slammed down on the faceplate. Shrinking in stature to only 6 inches tall. Her head blowing out to match ger now big eyes with rectangles for pupils. Her skin turned to grey as her eyes turned to pink. She was wearing a light blue jumpsuit with the sleeves and the surrounding area being a dark blue, the cat symbol on her chest and the pink, cat omnitrix diel on her back. She jumped into the water and she found that she was able to breath under the water.

Gwen: not to self, greymatter can breathe underwater. I guess the frog similarities are more then I first thought, although I still don't know where all this intelligence has come from.

However, as she swam through the water, she spotted something covered in seaweed and algae came into view. She tried to swim away but was grabbed and as she felt herself surface and when the hands of the creature that had caught her opened up she let out a scream, only to find that it was ben.

Gwen: let me down.

Ben: aw come on, that was funny.

Gwen: no, what is funny is the goop I left on your pillow since I figured that you'd do something like this.

Ben: you did what?

Gwen: not so funny when it's your own things is it?

Ben drops her and runs off as Gwen decides to call it a night. Returning to the rustbucket and climbing into her bed, timing out after a few minutes with ben screaming as he rushed into the rust bucket.

Gwen: what is it now dweeb?

Ben: I was just attacked by some kind of lake monster.

Gwen: oh ha, ha. Very funny. Now leave us alone.

Ben: I'm not joking there was something in there.

Gwen: just shut up and let us go back to sleep.

However, as night turned to day, the trio walked down to the beach where they were getting ready for a fishing trip. However, as they walked down to the boat, they found the captain of the ship they wanted to get on and upon seeing the bait Gwen instinctively made a face of disgust.

Ben: don't tell me this creeps you out.

Gwen: so, what if it does?

Ben: that watch says that you've delt with worse thigs then a couple of worms.

Gwen: you know what, I'm just going to stay on land if you're going to be like this. I'm not going to be stuck on a boat with you if this is how you're going to be.

Ben: fine by me.

Max: are you sure you want to Gwen? You're going to miss out on the greatest pass time there is.

Gwen: sorry grandpa, besides I can work on getting a summer tan from here.

She walks off as the captain finally turns around. He was a middle-aged man with whitening hair, a grease covered shirt and undershirt a bright red cap.

Max: we're the Tennysons, here for the fishing trip.

Shaw: you booked for three people.

Max: there's been a change of plans. Turns out my granddaughter doesn't want to come with us.

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