Episode 8 - magic is everywhere.

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At the same campsite as in the last episode.

Max: so, how's the max of your universe?

OS Gwen: he's old, likes weird food, and has a thing for alien women.

Ben: sounds like grandpa all right.

Max: hey, who you calling old?

Ben let out a little laugh as OS Gwen continued to read her book.

Ben: come on, get your nose out of that book.

OS Gwen: no thanks I'm good dweeb.

Ben: seriously? You sound like a real bore.

Max: anything in particular I should make?

OS Gwen: anything without the worms.

Max just paused as ben's radio came on.

Radio: it appears that the village is under attack from a white-haired witch woman. Reports say that rock monsters are attacking.

Ben and OS Gwen: Charmcaster.

Max: I'll get the rustbucket started up.

Ben covered the flames in a mana bubble and the flames were deprived of oxygen, extinguishing them.

OS Gwen: not bad, for a doofas.

Ben: will you stop insulting me?

Max: come on kids. Let's go, we're burning the midnight oil.

The three drive off and soon arrive at the village with ben gearing up in his sharp shot gear and Gwen suiting up in her lucky girl costume, that she had been hiding in the bag she had been holding.

OS Gwen: so, you have a costume too, huh.

Ben: call me sharpshot, and you?

OS Gwen: lucky girl. And what kind of a name is sharpshot anyway?

Ben: what can I say, I've got good aim.

He explained as he placed the proto tool on his shoulder and he grabbed his hoverboard.

Ben: and lucy girl?

OS Gwen: from when I had a charm of bazel that made me lucy.

ben: I got the one that let me shoot things.

OS Gwen: of course, you'd get a destructive one.

Ben: you gave it to me.

Max: we're here. You two ready to handle this?

Ben: we got this.

The pair charged out of the rustbucket, although they were immediately hit with a bolt of mana, sending them flying back into the rustbucket.

Ben: seriously?

Charmcaster: always a pleasure to see you two brats.

Ben: last time I saw you we switched bodies.

Charmcaster: but who was the one to tell me where uncle hex was?

Ben: was I meant to leave a baby in the wild?

Charmcaster: if I was you, I would've. And who's this you've got with you. Given the red hair, I'd say it's your alien changing, annoying cousin.

OS Gwen: yeah, I'm not exactly that Gwen.

She shot out a wind spell that caught Charmcaster off guard.

Charmcaster: since well do you know magic?

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