Episode 2: From Herodium to Eternity.

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Gwen, Lucy and Ben were all at Ben's. All resting together. Gwen and Lucy looked on as Ben kicked a ball into a pile of bowling pins while complaining about an incident during her time with the Saturdays.

Ben: Okay, so I'm not allowed to be on the Football team, Cuz I can't be trusted without using my powers? Sure, why not. So, I can do a test, and no one would worry about that? Or telekinetically transfer answers to others?

Gwen: Ben got telekinesis?

Lucy: No. He's kidding... I think. He had some new stuff up his sleeves since the whole Zs'Skayr thing. He did this cool water trick where he threw a man a beam into a lake and it cut down and made a giant explosion of water and sent the Circus Freaks flying.

Gwen: Wow...the one time I've had to leave Bellwood.

As she looked to her left, she saw Mr Baumann, Ben's neighbour. He worked at a shop in Bellwood that people often went to. Thing is, Ben often went to that shop...

Gwen: So...Mr Baumann seems the same, how many times have you wrecked his car since I was gone.

Ben and Lucy: Eleven.

Gwen: Okay, Ben, I'm not coming around often.

Ben: They weren't that bad.

Gwen: I'm doubting that. Hey, he's wearing a suit, what's he all dressed up for?

Ben: I dunno. Moving? Helping someone move?

Gwen: After 10 whole things in a couple of weeks? Would to. Hi, Mr Baumann!

Mr Baumann saw Gwen and waved back, he had an anxious look on his face and skittered across nervously the more he saw Ben.

Mr Baumann: Ahh, Gwen, nice to see you... I don't know why, but for the past few weeks, I thought I saw you without your freckles. I must've imagined.

Gwen peered at Lucy, who stared back...at her cheeks.

Gwen: Yeh, I sometimes forget I have them myself. So, what's with the suit?

Mr Baumann: Housewarming party at the old Collins house, keep Ben away and we're even for the accident a couple ago.

Gwen gave Lucy a harsher stare, Lucy smiled back. Then turned to Mr Baumann.

Lucy: Wait, the Collins house? I've heard that place is haunted.

Mr Baumann: Please, the Collins house isn't haunted, its public property usable to anyone, pick up a newspaper why don't you...

Mr Baumann sighed and began walking to it, as Gwen, Ben and Lucy all perched, all saw him walk over to it.

An hour or 2 later, the girls were still watching Ben play Football.

Ben: So, then I say to Jonesy, Checkmate!

Ben shoots and misses, and Gwen and Lucy hold back laughter.

Gwen: So...you miss completely and lose the ball?

Ben: No... not at all.

Ben runs to grab the ball, but suddenly, Gwen appears in front of him and kicks the ball, which Lucy grabs with her feet and kicks into the bowling pins, shapeshifting to do so.

Ben: Hey, cheating!

Ben reset the bowling pins, but as Gwen kicked the ball, Ben pulled out a man a shield.

Ben: Powers are allowed here?

Gwen: And who was complaining about them not letting you in because of powers?

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