Episode 6 - grudge match

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We start with max leaning against the rust bucket, a massive dent where he had been clearly thrown against it. His plumbers suit managing to protect him from the attack, although he had passed out from exhaustion. Meanwhile ben was trying to avoid the flaming diamond shards that Kevin 11 was shooting at him, and Gwen was protecting herself from the different spells that Charmcaster was blasting at her.

Ben: why can't you just stay down?

Kevin: after everything you've done to me, you think I'm going to just let you get away with turning me into this?

Ben: and why are you working with Charmcaster?

Kevin: this was purely coincidental.

Ben shot his proto tool at Kevin, the laser deflecting off of his Petrosapien rocks. He shot out some good at ben who flew higher to avoid it. He then tried to grab ben with his lower two arms, ben managed to avoid getting grabbed by the goop arm, but his board was still taken over by Kevin's upgrade arm and he manged to shut down the board, temporarily. As ben fell, Gwen managed to stretch out some plants to catch him as she was Wildvine. Charmcaster managed to blast her in the back and as she turned around, grabbing some of the explosive seeds ff of her back, the four found themselves encased in some kind of red beam and one by one they disappeared. After the flash max woke up, holding his fractured arm and looking around. The field now empty of anything but the wind turbines, the rustbucket and himself.

As she found the red beam letting her go, Gwen looked around and spotted a robot running to her. He threw the seed bombs that were still in her hands and while they created a field of smoke, the robot was able to track her, and it grabbed a hold of her. She struggled to get herself free, btu she was able to cover her body in thorns, sending some of them through the robot and destroying it.

Announcer: our new challengers come from earth, let's see how well the other three are doing.

Gwen tried to stretch her arms over the giant wall but found that a force field was keeping her boxed in. She tried to tunnel under the arena, but she found that the same force field had formed a dome under the arena, so she wasn't going far. Meanwhile Kevin jus used his upgrade arm to shut the robot down, before throwing it into the wall. Ben had used the proto-tool's sword to cut the robot in half ad Charmcaster summoned a rock creature to fight the robot for her while she tried to blow a hole in the wall, but the tech that was keeping the force field up was messing with her mana blasts. As the four droned where destroyed two of the walls came flying down. Ben was face to face with Charmcaster and Gwen was the same, but with Kevin.

Gwen: where are we?

Kevin: what does that matter, where's your cousin? I've got some flaming crystals with his name on it.

Gwen: would you give it up Kevin, I'm not going to let you hurt him.

Kevin: oh, but I think you're forgetting something. I have all of your powers plus my own. I'm Kevin 11.

Gwen: and I've got ghostfreek now. I'm not just Gwen 10 anymore, although I'm still going to go by Gwen 10 because it just sounds better.

Kevin: what every you say.

He turned around and Gwen uses two of her legs and her arms to pull him back.

Gwen: don't walk away from me. Wherever we are, we should probably stick together.

Kevin: since when do you care about me? It's your watch that got me stuck like this.

Gwen: then why do you keep going after ben?

Kevin: because if he didn't abandon me, I would've have felt the need to absorb your aliens.

Gwen: just admit that you wanted power and let's move on already.

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