Season 4 Episode 1 - perfect day

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We start the episode with Gwen waking up to the omnitrix activated and spinning through its active aliens. Gwen walked out of the rustbucket, the omnitrix still spinning and her attention was on it.

Gwen: hey guys, I think there's something wrong with the watch.

Max: I'm sure it's nothing. Now then who wants some breakfast.

Ben: I'll bet it's some kind of mutant slug fused with bustle sprouts or something.

Gwen giggled a little bit before max came out of the rustbucket with eggs and bacon.

Gwen: eggs and bacon?

Ben: I bet its griffin eggs and some kind of alien bacon.

Max: nope it's just good old fashion eggs and bacon.

Gwen and ben immediately dig in before a bus filed with different kids. The tires pooped by a laser being shot from the sky. A ship landed and from it emerged six six and Vulcanus.

Gwen: well, that's odd. What are they doing back on earth?

Ben: does it matter? It's hero time.

He put on his mask and he is seeing pulled his hoverboard and proto-tool out of nowhere. And he jumped on them.

Gwen: what about our secret identities?

Ben: does it really matter right now?

Gwen pondered the question as she's passed out of the way by ben.

Gwen: all right, I get it.

She activated the omnitrix and she slammed down on it, changing into Diamondhead as she was shot at with a laser. It is bouncing off of her and into the sky.

Gwen: you're going to regret that.

She shot out a diamond shard and it blew up six six's laser. Meanwhile ben was shooting at Vulcanus before ben threw a dumpster at Vulcanus, shrinking it the size of a marble and ben just tossed it into the air before hitting it with his proto tool, sending it flying backwards and into the distance. Gwen continued to attack six six before he grabbed onto one of the kids. Gwen looked at him and six six made a snarky snarl and Gwen looked at her options. She aimed her arm off to the side where she managed to ricishay the shard off of the bus and she manages to hit it into six six's jetpacks, sending him flying into the sky, disappearing in a spackle.

Gwen: you're getting scarily good with your magic.

Ben: whatever you say diamond stone.

Gwen: Diamondhead.

Ben: same difference.

Gwen timed out and noticed that she was instantly recharged, and she looked at it still spinning, going through its various DNA samples.

Gwen: is nobody else seeing this?

Max: let's hit the road, we want to make the camp site by nightfall.

However, as they got into the city, Gwen spots somebody she never thought she's see.

Gwen: no way. Grandpa, stop the rustbucket.

Max slammed on the brakes as Gwen ran out of the rustbucket and she activated the omnitrix, before slamming down on it and changing into snare-oh. She found that the person was who she thought it was, Kevin and he was human again. She ran over and she encased him with her bandages, keeping him still.

Kevin: hey, watch it.

Gwen: oh no, don't think I'm letting you go after what you did.

Kevin: cool it, I'm better now.

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