Episode 7 - super alien hero buddy adventures.

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We start with an episode of a new show. Super alien hero buddies. What looks like Heatblast, Wildvine and fourarms are fighting a bunch of very cartoony villains and both ben and Gwen where watching.

Ben: this is what there replacing weird world's timeslot with?

Gwen: this is just wrong on so many levels.

Ben: how did they get this out so fast?

Gwen: look at it, there's no art style.

They hit a bump in the rode and the rustbucket seems to have stopped.

Gwen: is everything all right up their grandpa?

Cut to outside where the rustbucket seemed to have smoke coming out of it

Max: well, those cheap parts the mall gave us didn't last that long. Looks like we'll be here for a while. Why don't you guys go and explore the theme park.

The pair turned around to find the planetary studios theme park behind them. They ran inside and started to look around.

Ben: I wonder if kangaroo commando is around here.

Gwen: who?

Ben: just one of the many heroes that made me want to become sharpshot.

Gwen: I'm angrier about the fact that they turned my aliens into guys.

Ben: I bet we can find the creator guy around here.

Gwen: you think.

She bumps into the Wildvine character, and they both fall over.

Vinny buddy: watch where you're going.

Gwen: where I'm going? What about where you're going?

The man in the viny buddy costume got up and walked away.

Ben: maybe you should teach theses guys a lesson.

Gwen: yeah, no. these guys are just doing a job to get paid.

Ben: hey is that a fire?

Gwen: don't change the subject.

Ben: no, I mean that's a literal fire.

She looked over and saw the billowing flames and smoke off in the distance.

Gwen: oh, right.

She hid behind a fiery buddy poster and slammed down on the omnitrix, changing into Heatblast. She aimed her arms at the ground, and she blasted off, with ben hiding away to pull out his sharpshot equipment getting onto his hoverboard, and with his mask over his face, he flew off to catch up to Gwen. They landed to see kangaroo commando was stuck under some rouble.

Ben: I've got him, you get the fire.

Gwen nodded as ben flew up, managing to shoot the rouble that kangaroo commando was under, as Gwen drew the flames into herself.

cain: what are you doing?

Ben: saving your life.

CAIN: and you ruining my life performance.

He jumped and landed next to Gwen.

CAIN: a little bit more realistic than the fool should have the budget for.

Gwen: that's because I'm the real deal.

CAIN: oh, we've got an alien here, do we?

Gwen: yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you.

Ben: he's an actor. You have to go along with it.

Gwen sighing: fine.

She then turned back around to CAIN.

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