Episode 8: Space Fever.

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We start on some kind of alien ship, Ben, Max, Lucy, Viktor and Elena looking around a room. Hoping to find anything they could on the chips.

Viktor: I'm not finding anything over here.

Ben: The computers are all down.

Elena: Do you think the dismantling spell could get rid of them?

Lucy: Didn't you love having chips like 3 weeks ago?

Elena: Things have... changed. Now it's messing with my puberty and hormones and junk.

Ben looked over at her sceptically.

Viktor: Well, I for one am happy to get rid of that techadon, tech.

Max: The computer's here.

He started typing on it.

Max: Maybe if it wasn't so buggy, we'd be able to get something off of it.

Suddenly Ditto ran into the room.

Ben: find anything?

Gwen: grab me.

Ben: What?

The Omnitrix then started flashing.

Gwen: GRAB ME!!

Elene grabbed onto Gwen and Gwen started to levitate into the air as multiple other dittos flew into Gwen, one of them taking significantly longer and once it re-merged back into Gwen she finally timed out. Falling to the ground.

Max: Did you manage to find anything?

Gwen: The memories of all the dittos are kinda fuzzy when I time out. But from what I can remember, this place has been cleaned out. If I didn't know any better. I'd say this was some kind of a set-up.

Viktor: So, we've gotten nothing about how to get rid of her chips?

Ben: It's looking that way.

Max: Then we should get out of here while we have the chance.

Elena sighed.

Elena: right let's get going. She started walking as her hand was clearly switching between being nano and human. Ben followed closely behind as the other four trailed behind.

Lucy: This place is giving me the heebie jeebies.

She shuddered.

Gwen: Since you're the walking encyclopaedia around here, what do you know about these guys?

Lucy: They don't hold back for any ethical considerations. If it wipes out a planet, then so be it. Rumour has it they are the ones who ruined sonorosian, They created the segmentasapiens, and some of their tech helped build that watch on your wrist.

Gwen: Well clearly, they didn't help build the Omnitrix.

Lucy: You said Azmuth was on xenon when you met him.

Gwen: Yeah... what about it?

Lucy: he had to get his tech from somewhere xenon is kinda of one of the most underdeveloped planets in the galaxy, maybe he did have to use some of their tech. Or maybe not, you could always call him and figure it out.

Gwen: That's just not going to happen. Azmuth only wants me to call in absolute emergencies.

Lucy: We could make an emergency.

She said with a mischievous smile. Gwen looked at her confused before Lucy started laughing.

Gwen: I'm never going to figure you out.

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