Episode 13 - war of the crypteds.

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We start the episode in Washington DC. people just going about their day, unaware of the war that was about to come out. Squawking could be heard as many different cryptids with glowing green eyes were flying overhead. One of them landed showing it was some kind of giant vulture. On the giant vulture's back was Argost, and the people noticed. They wondered if they were going to be on weird world and Argost responded.

Argost: weird world? Your poor unimaginative tragedies, you haven't begun to see weird.

He yelled as the Saturday's airship could be seen in the distance.

Argost: Greetings and Bienvenu humanity, as your news people are no doubt informing you in breath taking terms, at this very moment armies of cryptids are attacking every world capital, this may seem frightening, but I very much assure you that they are under control. My control. If human kind wishes to survive it must take its place with the rest of nature, At the feet of V.V.Argost.

As he began to laugh there was a very bright pink light that came from the trees, something growing out of it.


She had become the over 400-foot-tall behemoth way big. She stomped down causing the ground to shift, the vulture to go flying into the air, flying close to Gwen's face. Argost could see that ben was riding on her shoulder, a green mana bubble holding him in place.

Gwen: it's hero time.

She swung her arm and managed to grab onto the vulture, Argost tying to dig into her hand finding the outer coating of way big too thick to get through.

Gwen: that's not going to work.

She began to squeeze the pair as many more flying cryptids fly into the back of her neck. Causing her to loosen her grip. Argos attempted to Fly away, however as he landed the vulture to get onto a faster crypted, the ground started to Shake since Zak appear with a giant worm crypted. Tha Saturday's airship landed and Max came rushing on to the scene with the rustbucket, blasting Argost into the Worm. Gwen was still keeping the attention of the flying cryptids as Way big, and the other Saturdays, along with Van rook and Tsul 'Kalu.


He started to fly off again, Zak jumping onto Zon to catch up. They began to Fly around Gwen as she was still swatting at the flying cryptids, both hoping Gwen would swat the other. However, Argost found his Vulture crypted being Blasted at by ben's proto-tool.

Ben: they don't call me sharpshot for nothing.

Argost growled and as he tried to rush into Ben, Gwen just flicked him away.

Zak: we're trying to stop him.

Gwen: sorry.

Doyal and Van rook started flying, Drew riding on one of the four-armed bat monkeys along with them.

Doyal: leave Argost to me.

Drew: ugh huh, we've got him.

Doyal nodded as they were attacked by some of the flying cryptids. Doc having to grab onto Drew.

Doc: careful Drew, we're in the same fight.

Drew: no, we're not.

She tried to fly off as we cut to the two claws crashing into each other.

Argost: you're fighting the side show instead of the whole circus. This is one insignificant battle in a global war!

Zak: luckily for me, I've stopped holding back.

Cut to scenes all around the world where members of the Saturday's family where attacking cryptids, Wadi and her tribe where protecting the middle east, Ulraj and his civilisation where protecting the seas and Lucy and Elena where doing their best to try and stop the Crypteds in Bellwood, even finding themselves getting Help from a few plumbers, who had also spread themselves thin helping out the world the best they could with their limited numbers on earth.

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