Episode 6 - last laugh

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We start on a pier as the main trio are looking around at all of the games. Ben carrying his new hoverboard under his arm, max concerned about people figuring out that something was off about it, but nobody paying it that much attention.

Max: so, what do you kids want to do first?

Ben: I say that four arms could crush some of these games.

Gwen: not happening this time, or the next 100 times you ask.

Ben: why not, you could win all of these tickets and get some amazing prizes.

Gwen: the omnitrix isn't something that you can just toy around with.

Max: you've been really serious about that thing since we met tetrax. What's wrong?

Gwen: those were bounty hunters. There's a bounty on my head for this thing. Right now, I need to be on edge all the time.

Max: maybe not all the time. You're still just 10.

Gwen: yes, all the time. Besides theses supervillains have been showing up out of nowhere.

Max: I guess but...

They hear police sirens and Gwen hides as she changes into XLR8.

Gwen: we'll continue this conversation when I get back.

She speeds off and finds a bank robbery in progress. She manages to capture the robbers in just a few seconds before she ties them up and speeds off back to max and ben.

Max: is everything ok?

Gwen: yeah, just a bank robbery, Luckly I was there and I was able to lock them up.

Max: I think you need a break.

Gwen: I have no idea what you mean.

Max: you've been overworking yourself and it's not healthy. I saw an advert for a circus on our way into town. Why don't we go and enjoy that. Get your mind off of all of this hero business.

Gwen: well, I haven't been to the circus in years.

Ben: you can't be serious. Can you?

Gwen: what, are you scared of clowns or something?

Ben: no, it's just that...

Max: you don't have to go in the circus if you don't want to, but you will have to stay in the rustbucket.

Ben: I can live with that.

Ben, Gwen and max get into the rust bucket as Gwen tried to sit down, still stuck as XLR8.

Ben: shouldn't you have timed out by now? The battle's over.

Gwen: it takes 10 minutes to time out.

Ben sighs as they approach the circus and they wait out Gwen's timing out. She turned back with a flash of pink and the two left the rustbucket while ben stayed back.

Max: and don't go playing around on the hoverboard.

Ben: all right, I won't.

He crosses his finger as the pair of max and Gwen enter the circus. It starts with a trio of people coming onto the stage. A voice starts talking over a PA system so that the whole circus could hear.

Voice: I introduce to you, your entertainment until I am ready myself. Up first is tumbskull.

A giant green man walked out, his hair in the shape of a finger nail, making his thumb look like a skull. He bent a metal pipe on his head and he moved backstage to allow freightwig to make her entrance. She showed off her prehensile hair by grabbing onto the metal pipe and spinning it around. Finally acid breath came out and he took off the muscle that was stopping him and freigtwig extended her hair apart, letting acidbreath melt the metal pipe, cutting it in two and freightwig drops it, both of them walking off of the stage as a tiny car came driving on stage. From it stepped a clown who announced himself as zombozo.

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