Episode 10 - the unnaturals

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We start at a carnival with ben getting ready to throw a ball at statues of Benjamin franklin's head. And despite hitting it, the ball just bounced back.

Ben: what give's I definitely hit that thing.

Carny: sorry kid, but you didn't knock it over, so you lose.

Be then got ready to throw his remaining ball at the carny before Gwen stopped him.

Ben: I should go and grab my gear, maybe that way I can...

Gwen: give away our secrets.

Ben: all right, point taken cuz.

Suddenly a car busts out of nowhere and started to run down the pier.

Ben: hey, that one was mine to destroy.

Gwen: looks like it's time to XLR8.

Ben formed a mini tornado around her, and she transformed, finding herself as greymatter.

Gwen: now what am I meant to do?

Ben: think you can take that thing down from the inside?

He asked as he managed to sneak on his sharpshot mask, having practically forgotten o lip his shirt inside out by now.

Gwen: yeah, I think so why?

Ben then grabbed onto Gwen, and he threw her at the car. Gwen landed in the trunk of the car, the trunk that was slightly open. And Gwen made her way down to the chassis, starting to disassemble it.

Ben: I sure hope that works, or I just threw Gwen for nothing. Witch I'm still kinda ok with.

However, as Gwen takes apart the steering, the truck slams against a light pole and Gwen went flying out of it. Landing in a bucket of jellybeans.

Gwen: figure out the number of jellybeans and get the prize. Easy enough for the little guy.

Cut to a few minutes later where Gwen has walked over with a new dodge downloader.

Gwen: I hope this can replace that one that S.A.M. destroyed.

Ben: wow, it's even a sumo slammer one. Where did you get it?

Gwen: I won it.

max: did you use greymatter to do so?

Gwen: my mind just went flying. What can I say.

Max: you know you're not supposed to use your powers that way.

Gwen: I know, but I was already grey matter and I just landed there. I couldn't control it.

Ben: hey wait a minute. Isn't that the cannons?

They look over to see a Tv screen with the cannons on it.

Max: ah, the old Bellwood cannons.

Gwen: isn't that your bullies?

Ben then noticed that T.J and cash where in the group photo.

Ben: no way, I want meant to be on the team. I have the aim for it. Think we could go grandpa?

Cut to the rustbucket where ben and Gwen were looking out at the road.

Ben: I can't wait to see the team playing.

Gwen: you're lucky they got to this point; they keep barely winning the games. Winning by one point each time.

Ben: details, but the team is going to do good. I can feel it, other than J.T and cash.

Gwen: J.T is the reason that they keep barely winning.

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