Episode 7 - the sharpshooter

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While the trio where in a museum, looking around, Gwen found herself being drawn in by the many different magical artifacts that surrounded them. Weather they were staffs or even a book hidden away under thick glass.

Ben: you know all this stuff is fake, right?

Gwen: probably but...

She just pointed to the omnitrix as they continued coming across a particularly large book.

Tour guid and Gwen: this is called the Archamada Book of Spells, said to contain exceedingly strong and powerful ancient spells, rituals, witchcrafts, and incantations, dating back to the sixteenth century.

The tour guid looks at Gwen with a face of annoyance.

Tour guid: maybe you should lead this tour.

Gwen gets slightly hurt at the statement and ben caught on.

Ben: don't listen to her, she's probably older than the book.

He pulls a face and Gwen snickers as the tour guid looked back at them with max trying to push them forward. However, the room find themselves floating in the air and eventually being pinned to the celling.

Max: this isn't part of the tour, is it?

Gwen tried to reach for her omnitrix but before she could reach it, she found that a figure had snuck her way into the room, and she held her arm up as she opened the glass case. As the figure turned the trio got a good look at them. She looked to be a teenager, probably older than 15 years in age but on her face was some makeup that dropped down from her eye in an L shape. She was wearing black lipstick and her hair was mostly white with purple tips at the end of her long ponytail as well as at the front of her face, part of the hair drooping over her face. She pushed it out of the way as she tried to hold the book with just one hand. She was wearing a purple skirt that stopped a little up from the knees and on the long-sleeved dress where some purpleheart shapes with thick, pink outlines. She was wearing high heeled boots that went all the way up past the skirt. On her torso rested a black symbol that none of them knew, however she was also wearing pink medallion on her chest. Gwen tried to reach the omnitrix again but as she managed to reach it and activate it, the figure let go of her grasp on them all and they started falling. Gwen reacted quickly by trying to change into something useful, however she got XLR8, and she used her super speed to run over to a banner and she managed to get it to make a ramp, letting the group slide down it and to the floor. None of them noticing her transform in the chaos of falling.

Gwen: get out of here.

Max: just be careful.

Gwen: you know I always am.

Ben: that's a lie.

Gwen: just get out of here.

She turns around and she locks eyes with the figure, her mask sliding over her face as she started talking to the figure.

Gwen: so, do you have a name or am I going to have to start calling you the weird, purple girl who's butt I just kicked.

Figure: my name is Charmcaster, now get out of my sight before I make you.

Gwen just ran as Charmcaster and she used her claws to grab onto the book, holding the book up in her claws eventually holding it in just one hand. Charmcaster was impressed and as the charm on her chest lit up, magical spell shot out at Gwen, Gwen dodging it and running behind her and whacking her with the book, the charm that was on charmcaster's chest went flying off as she fell to the floor. Gwen grabbed it as she made sure that Charmcaster was out cold.

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